The Family of Rev. Jackson Mahon

The Family of Rev. Jackson Mahon

written by Robert P. Mahon
Spring 1950

He was my father's brother, second in the family. He was a Methodist preacher and also a farmer in Dyer county. He was a man of wonderful physique and was well fitted for the strenous work of a Methodist preacher in the early days. He was a man of fine intellect and great gifts as a preacher. He married first a Miss BURNS; by this marriage a son, Robert Howell Mahon. He grew up in West Tennessee, became a Methodist preacher, and because of his ability and devotion to his work he rose rapidly in ranks of preachers in his church. Was pastor of large churches in Memphis and then pastor of both First and Second M. E. church in Memphis.

He had become pastor in Brownsville, Tennessee., and when he was retired he settled there and died. He left two children, both by his first wife, who was an Elder of Trenton, Tennessee.

          Uncle Jack had two daughters also by his first wife.

          Mary, married a POWELL
          Sistie, married Dr. PURCELL. They lived a few miles east of Newburn, Tennessee. Both had families.


Rebecca, married BUACHHANNAN in Memphis, now lives in Denver,Colorado
( not sure if the last name is spelled correctly,but I wrote it like it was spelled)

Ruth, married HAY, still lives at home in Brownsville.


Uncle Jack married the second time, a Miss FOWLKES, of Dyersburg. by this union they had four children.

          Jackson Jr.
          Mattie, never married


After these children were grown up, Uncle Jack moved to Bakerfield, California, where he and his wife died. He became a very inflential preacher of the coast.

All three of the sons became Lawyers, and their descendents are out there somewhere.


The name MAHON, is being prepetuated out of California.

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