Number 2811

Richard Ward
To} Deed
Andrew P Steel

Filed 14 Nov 1848
at 10 Oclock AM
Registered 14 Nov

This Indenture made this 13 day
of November in the year of our Lord
Eight Hundred and forty Eight
between Richard Ward And Andrew
P Steel both of the County of Haywood
And State of Tennessee. Witnesseth that
for and in Consideration of two hundred
and forty dollars to Richard Ward
paid by the Said Andrew P Steel
that the Said Richard Ward has
this day Sold and Conveyed unto
the Said Andrew P Steel a Certain Tract or parcel of land
lying in the Said County of Haywood. Begining at a Stake
in the ------ at James Boothes ------- ------- ---- ------line, thence
runing west the Said Booths line to Chaldon Whites line, thence
North the said White line to Butterton line, then his line, East to
the line of John D Castellow line then along the ------ South to the
begining Containing fifty acres be the same more or less. To him
the said Steel to have and to hold the Same to him the said
Steel his heirs and assigns forever As witness my hand and
Seal this the day and date above written.

Richard Ward (S)
his X Mark

Thos J Castellow
Bird Wells,

State of Tennessee }
Haywood County }

Personally appeared before Me
Littleton Joyner Clerk of the
County Court of Said County Thomas
J Castellaw & Bird Wells Subscribing Witness to the foregoing
deed who ------ find ------ depose and Say that they are
acquainted with Richard Ward the Bargainor And that he
acknowledged the Same in their presence to be his act and deed
upon the day it bears date. Witness my hand at office this 14
day of November 1848

L. Joyner Clerk
State tax paid Me

L. Joyner Clerk
Filed 14 Nov 1848 at 10 Oclock AM
W. D. --------- RHC


Born ca. 1805, Hertford Co., North Carolina
Died after 1879, Crockett Co., Tennessee

Came to Haywood Co., Tennessee, ca. 1835

Married (1) ----- -----, ca. 1822, Hertford Co., North Carolina
Children: Elva Ward, James Ward, Noah Ward, Richard Henry Ward

Married (2) Lucintha Harrell, ca. 1843, Haywood Co., Tennessee
Children: Susan Ann Ward Keltner Pipkins, Thomas B. Ward, Nancy Ward Burke, Sarah Elizabeth Ward Brasfield, Rebecca Eliza Ward Reece, Martha Louvenia Ward Carter, Amanda Jane Ward

Married (3) Nancy Kail Lunsford (Widow of T. A. Lunsford), 1872, Crockett Co., Tennessee
No children

A very special thank you to , who transcribed this deed, verbatim, and contributed this document for use on this web site.

This transcription is provided for personal use only, and is not to be copied, redistributed, or used for any commercial purposes.

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