Crockett County, Tennessee

All Deeds Registered for Singleton

and Thomas B. Smithwick

Also a T. H. Robertson Deed


Abstracts of Singleton and Thomas B. Smithwick Deeds







T. B. Smithwick

W. N. Beasley

For the sum of $1.00 my entire crop of cotton raised in the year 1872 in Crockett county Tenn. This deed is made for the following purposes and no other- I am indebted to S. N. Beasley in the sum of $100 by not of this date due on the 25th day of Decr. 1872 and am desirous to secure and make certain the payment of the same. Now if I should pay the said debt at the time aforesaid then this deed of conveyance is to be null and void, but if I should not then the said W. N. Beasley after giving 10 days notice in writing at three places in Crockett County as my expense shall expose said crop of cotton to public sale and sell it to the highest bidder for cash and appropriate the proceeds first to the payment of necessary expenses & costs, secondly to the satisfaction of said debts & interest thereon and lastly pay the balance if any there be to me. 

June 1, 1872

A Deed of Trust

Page 24

Thomas L. Singleton and Charlotte Singleton, his wife

I. A. Nunn

$100 convey a tract of land situated in Civil District No. 13 bounded as follows: Beginning the North East corner of Mrs. A. M. F. Cherry tract of land runs thence North 62 1/2 poles to a stake poplar & Hickory pointers, thence south 62 1/7 poles to a stake with Elm and Hickory pointers, thence east 154 poles to the beginning containing 60 acres. It being a tract of land purchased by T. L. Singleton of H. A. Partee.  But this deed is made for the following purposes and no other that is to say we are indebted to  I. A. Nunn in the sum of $674 04/100 by not of this day due on the 1st day of December next and desirous to secure and make certain the payment of the same.

June 1, 1872


Deed of Trust


T. B. Smithwick

W. N. Beasley

$1.00 for my entire crop of cotton for the year 1873. This deed is made for the following purposes and no other - I am indebted to W. N. Beasley in the sum of $150 by note of this date due on the first day of November 1873 and am desirous to secure and make certain the payment of the same.

May 19, 1873


Deed of Trust


J. W. Singleton of Crockett County

B. H. Harmon

$1.00 for the following personal property: two horse mules, one light bay and one a dark bay about 8 or 10 years old, one a large and the other a heavy set mule and one two horse wagon. This sale is for the following purposes - I am indebted to the said Harmon in the sum of $80 borrowed  with 10 percent interest payable 1st day of November next.

October 6, 1875


Deed of Trust


Thomas  B. Smithwick

Miles Privett and William Privett

I promise to pay Miles Privett and William Privett the sum of $90 for value received of them bearing 10% interest for two mules and one wagon. This conveyance is made to secure to payment of the above named ninety dollars. I am anxious to secure and make certain the payment .

December 22, 1873


Deed of Trust


T. L. Singleton

W. S. Byars

For $250 a tract of land in Crockett County, District 12 beginning at a stake in the mill road said Byar North East corner, runs East 15 1/2 poles to a stake black oak pointer the Hickman corner, thence south 140 degrees west, thirty one poles to a stake, thence north 76 degrees West 35 1/2 poles to the beginning containing 5 acres.

1873? date cut off


Deed of Sale


J. T. Singleton


witness N. R. Singleton

J. D. Smith

For $1.00 cash to me paid bargained and sold to J. D. Smith of Friendship, Crockett County, Tennessee the following property: One bay horse mule about 8 or 0 years old and I warrant the title of said property and bind myself to take good care of the same if at any time left in my hands and to deliver up to the said J. D. smith the same at any time he may call for it. But this sale and transfer is made only for the following purpose: I am indebted to the said J. D. smith by not due the 15th of Feby next in the sum of $64 32/100 with interest from Sept 15th 1874 and desire to make certain the payment thereof.

September 19, 1874


Deed of Trust


James T. Singleton

I. A. Nunn

$1.00 for my entire growing crop of cotton of (blank) acres and my interest in the crop of F. M. Waters growing upon my premises and for other consideration hereinafter mention. But this sale is made for the following purposes: I am indebted to I. A. Nunn by notes for $250 and am desirous to secure and make certain the payment of the same. Now if I should pay said debts by the fifteenth day of Nov. next then this conveyance shall be void but if I should not then the said I. A. Nunn after giving ten days notice in writing in three public places in Crockett county, 13th Civil District may sell at Chestnut Bluff the said cotton crop.

April 8, 1875


Deed of trust


T. L. Singleton

N. R. Singleton

John A. Perry

For u$1.00 my entire cotton crop & twelve acres of corn now on the farm on which I now live and one dark mule about 10 years old . This deed is made for following purposes: I am indebted to John A. Perry in the sum of $32 by note of this date due on the first day of December 1876 at 10% interest. Also I am indebted to Mrs. L. E. Grimmitt in the sum of $60 due December 1, 1876 and am desirous to secure and make certain the payment of the same. 

July 17, 1876


Deed of trust


T. B. Smithwick

John H. Buck

Sold to J. H. Buck one sorrel mare mule medium size about 9 or 10 years old. This conveyance is made for the following purposes: I am indebted to said J. H. Buck for $28.35 due by note for rent of land Y $1.35 registers fee and am desirous to secure & make certain the payment of the same the said bucks agreeing to allow me to cover for my family & not force sale of same for said rent for year 1876.

November 1, 1876


Deed of Trust


T. B. Smithwick

(John) J. B.  Stephens

For $1.00 two mules and one cow and one black horse mule 7 years old 14 hands high the same mule I have this dy bought of said John Stephens. The other a light Sorrel mare mule about 12 years old and 13 hands high. The same mule that T. B. Smithwick owned for about 6 years and the cow is a dark red cow about 7 years old with a white fact, the same cow I bought from Dorsey Harrell about 5 years ago. This deed is made for the following purpose: I have this day bought of the said John Stephens one mule the one that is first mentioned in this deed of trust and I have this day given the said John Stephens my note bearing date with this instrument and due on the 10th day of Nov. next and for $115 and am desirous to secure and make certain the payment of the same.

February 21, 1880


Deed of Trust


Joseph Singleton of Crockett County

J. C. Hamlett, trustee

$5 a certain tract of land being in the 12th civil district of Crockett county beginning at a stake in the South West corner of W. C. Hays "Swift tract" thence running West with the John Ward tract 118 poles to a red oak in the South east corner of James Evans tract, thence North with said Evans 68 poles to a stake with Red oak pointers, thence East with A. W. Swift tract 118 poles to a stake in Hays West line, thence South with Hays line 68 poles to the beginning containing 50 acres. This sale is for the following uses and trust and no other purpose that is to say I am indebted to J. F. Robertson by note of this date in the sum of $201.30 borrowed money and am desirous to secure the payment of the same. Said note is payable on the 21st of December 1886.

April 5, 1886


Deed of Trust


Stephen H. Singleton

Joseph C. & Joanna Singleton

For $250 sold and transfer and convey unto Joseph J. C. Singleton and Joanna Singleton my entire undivided one-third interest in a tract of land situated in the 12th Civil District of Crockett County beginning at a stake with white oak pointers- W. C. Hay, E. B. Swift tract, thence running with said E. B. South 136 1/3 poles to a stake and pointers, thence along the north boundary of a tract of land that C. Thacker bought of T. H. Lanier, East 117 9/25 poles to a stake with elm & hickory pointers, about 3 poles East of the old Gibson County line, thence North 136 1/3 poles to a stake with hickory and black oak pointers on the South of B. of a track of land belonging now to George Hill (col), thence West 117 9/25 poles to the beginning in all 100 acres. I have the right to convey the same and that the same in unemcumbered except the "Dower Interest" allotted to my mother from my father, P. H. Singleton deceased. 

August 24, 1883


Deed of Sale


T. H. Lawrence of Gibson County Tennessee

Joseph Singleton of Crockett County Tennessee

1/3 undivided interest in 100 acre tract of land conveyed to me by J. T. Robertson Oct. 28th 1881, and is the whole undivided interest that said T. H. Lawrence had in said land originally belonging to P. H. Singleton dec'd. It is bounded  on the North by J. C. Dungan, on the South by C. M Tacher land, on the West by A. Swift, and on the East by J. B. Hay and G. B. H. Coop containing in all one hundred acres.

February 2, 1885


Deed of Sale


Joseph Singleton of Crockett County

Joanna C. Blackmun

Southward fifty acres of land belong to the one hundred acre tract formerly owned by my father P. H. Singleton for $250

September 25, 1885


Deed of Sale


G. W. Swift of Crockett County

Joseph C. Singleton of Crockett County

50 acres 24 poles 12th Civil District for $350 bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake or slab in the South West corner of William Hays South boundary line thence running West 118 poles with the John Ward tract of land to a red oak in the South East corner of James Evan's east boundary line thence North with the Evans 68 poles to a stake and red oak pointing thence East with the original tract of land 118 poles to a stake in William Hay's West boundary line, thence south with said Hays 68 poles to the beginning.

There is a $180 mortgage against the above tract of land held by J. F. Robertson Trustee due the 21st day of December which tract the said Singleton becomes responsible to J. F. Robertson in the sale of land.

October 8, 1885


Deed of Sale


D. A. Nunn, Jr. and wife, Emma R. Nunn

B. T. Robertson

86 3/4 acres 13th district for $360 bounded as follows: beginning at a stake with beach & hickory pointers at the North East corner of 87 5/8 acres sold to B. T. Robertson, thence East 35 poles to the Dyersburg Road thence North West with said Road 47 poles, thence North 31 poles & 20 links to a stake with elm & two beach pointers, W. J. Hall's South East corner thence West 207 poles to a stake on the north bank of the South Forked Deer River to a stake with Birch pointers thence up said river with its meanderings to a cypress with sweet gum & elm pointers the North West corner of said 97 5/8 acres tract, thence with the line of the same South 86 degree East 159 poles to the beginning corner containing 86 3/4 acres.

September 8, 1886


Deed of Sale


T. H. Robertson, and wife, Nancy E. of Crockett County

Dr. B. Moore

Town Lot Maury City for $30 bounded as: Begins at the N. W. corner of said lot on the Street between it and Murchison's & Chandler's Mill lot, running East 80 feet to a stake, thence South 26 feet to a stake then West 80 feet to a stake and then North 26 feet to the beginning. Said lot front the H. S. B. & Ohio R. R. and called lot No. 1.

July 13, 1886


Deed of Sale


Joseph Singleton

J. H. Daniel

For $500 50 acres in 12th Civil District beginning at a stake in the South West corner of William Hay's South boundary line, thence running West 118 poles with John Ward's tract of land to a red oak in the South East corner of James Evan's East boundary line, thence North with the said Evans line 68 poles to a stake with read oak pointers, thence East with the South boundary line of C. C. Macline 188 poles to a stake in William Hays West boundary line, thence South with said Hay's line 68 poles to the beginning containing 50 acres. 

December 21, 1887


Deed of Sale


Joseph Singleton and Joanna C. Blackmon

L. J. Blackmon also signed

W. R. Hay 

For $450 50 acres in 12th Civil District beginning at a stake on North West corner of said tract, thence South along East boundary of land W. C. Hay bought of A. W. Swift 58 1/6 poles to stake, white oak pointers, thence East along North boundary of land belonging to P. H. Singleton heirs 117 9/25 poles to a stake, thence North along the West boundary J. B. Hay to a stake 68 1/6 poles, thence West along the South boundary belonging to George Hill (Col) 117 9/25 poles to the beginning.

September 22, 1883


Deed of Sale


N. R. Singleton

W. W. Spence

8 acres 12th & 13th Civil District for $25 a tract of land lying between the 13th and & 12th Civil District of Crockett county beginning at the North East corner of R. R. Smith land thence East with J. F. Robertson North boundary line thence North with W. N. Beasleys West boundary line thence West with the Shields South boundary line thence South with W. N. Nunns East boundary line to the beginning corner containing 60 acres.

Deed recorded April 1, 1912 in Minute Book No. 3 pages 280 & 281

November 5, 1888


Deed of Sale



J. T. Singleton

W. W. Spence

For 20 60100 my Two Seventh undivided interest in the tract of land lying between 12th and 13th Civil District beginning at the North East Corner of R. R. rights land, thence East with J. F. Robertsons North boundary line, thence North with W. N. Beasleys West boundary line, thence West with the Shields South boundary line, thence South with W. I. Nunns East boundary line to the beginning containing 66 acres. 

November 14, 1888


Deed of Sale


R. G. Watson, Porter C. Rice and E. L. Evans comprising the firm known as the Friendship Gin. Co. of Friendship, Crockett County, Tenn.


R. G. Watson & wife, Maude Watson; Porter C. Rice, & wife, Kittye G. Rice; E. L. Evans & wife, Sammie Evans.

M. E. Singleton of St. Louis, MO

Following tract of land in Friendship bounded as follows: beginning at a point in the center of the Peal lands and the B. & N. W. Ry. lands, and it being the Northwest corner of the land herein conveyed, and runs thence East 203 1/2 feet to the street occassioned and opened by the Sanders addition; thence south with said street 216 1/2 feet to a stake; thence West 203 1/2 the B. & N. W. Ry. right of way; thence North parallel with said railroad right of way 216 1/2 feet to the beginning and contains one acre for $6,000.00. The assumption by the grantee of a certain mortgage debt originally to the Phoenix Cotton Oil Co. of $2500.00 which mortgage was executed by the Phoenix Cotton Oil Co. on 9 June 1915. Second by the payment of $3500.00 case being the balance of purchase price of $6,000.00

April 10, 1916


Deed of Sale


M. E. Singleton & wife Susie C. Singleton of St. Louis, Mo.

E. Rice and R. G. Watson

Property in the town of Friendship, Crockett County, Tennessee beginning at a point in the corner of the Peal lands and the Birmingham & Northwestern railway lands and it being the north west corner of the land and runs thence east 20 3/4 feet to the street occasioned and opened by the Sanders, addition; thence south with said Street 216 1/2 feet to a stake; thence west 203 1/2 feet with the Birmingham & Northwestern Railway right; thence north parallel with said railroad right of way 216 1/2 feet to the beginning containing one acre. This being the same property conveyed to M. E. Singleton by R. G. Watson, et, al on April 10, 1916 and which conveyance is duly recorded in the register's office of Crockett County in Deed Book W page 734. for the sum of $6,000.00 by the assumption by the grantees of a certain mortgage debt originally made to the Phoenix Cotton Oil, Co for $2500.00 which mortgage was executed by the Friendship Gin Co. to the Phoenix Cotton Oil Co on June 9, 1915 by deed of trust and duly recorded in Book DD page 436.

Day oa may, 1916

(error above date) May 11, 1916


Deed of Sale


Abstracted from copies of deeds from the Crockett County Courthouse. Abstracted by Anne Singleton Condran, May 2001. If you have reached this page through the Crockett County website, please visit our website for more Singleton/Robertson/Smithwick information.

Index to Deeds





Deed Book

Page #

Start Date/Stop Date

Robertson, W. B.


Mar 1872 - Jan 1874

Robertson, W. B.



Mar 1872 - Jan 1874

Robertson, James Hurs.



Oct 1873 - Aug 1878

Robertson, Felix



Oct 1873 - Aug 1878

Robertson, W. B.



Oct 1873 - Aug 1878

Robertson, Risdom



Nov 1880 - Feb 1887

Robertson & Johnson



Nov 1880 - Feb 1887

Robertson, Ridborin



Nov 1880 - Feb 1887

Robertson, Burrell



Dec 1885 - Nov 1891

Robertson, Henry 



Dec 1885 - Nov 1891

Robertson, Bryan



Dec 1885 - Nov 1891

Robertson, Risdan



Nov 1891 - Feb 1896

Robertson, Asa



Nov 1891 - Feb 1896

Robertson, James



Nov 1891 - Feb 1896

Robertson, N.



Nov 1891 - Feb 1896

Robertson, Asa



Nov 1891 - Feb 1896

Robertson, Henry



Mar 1896 - Feb 1899

Robertson, Risdam



Mar 1896 - Feb 1899

Robertson, Risdam



Mar 1896 - Feb 1899

Robertson, Asa



Mar 1896 - Feb 1899

Robertson, Risdam



Mar 1896 - Feb 1899

Robertson, J. H.



Mar 1896 - Feb 1899

Robertson, J. A.



Nov 1898 - Feb 1901

Robertson, Luke



Nov 1898 - Feb 1901

Robertson, James



Nov 1898 - Feb 1901

Robertson, B.



Nov 1898 - Feb 1901

Robertson, M. W.



Nov 1898 - Feb 1901

Robertson, Henry



Nov 1898 - Feb 1901

Robertson, James



Nov 1898 - Feb 1901

Robertson, J. F.



Nov 1898 - Feb 1901

As I was leaving the Crockett County Recorders Office I decided to copy this Index of the Deeds Index for the Robertson family from 1872 until 1900. Hopefully, this index will help other Robertson researchers of Crockett County, Tennessee.