W. H. Marlow & Wife (Mahulda Cozart) to R. B. Vaughter
Registered July 25, 1870
Madison County Deed Book 27, pages 470-471
Madison County District 9; became Crockett District 1 in 1871

Tennessee State Library & Archives:
Madison County, microfilm roll #13
Transcribed by Denise L. Cozart
July 2002

William H. Marlow and his wife bought out brother and sister co-heirs of father Joshua Cozart's property. See deeds dated during the 1850s. Now in 1870, both about age 47, they were selling 120 3/4 acres of the Joshua Cozart tract. They may have used this money to move to Obion County. By the 1880 U. S. Census Hulda was no longer listed. William was living in Obion County, TN with his daughter Helen, 24, who was “keeping house,” and son Martin 22.

The land in this deed was measured in poles and acres:
        1 pole = 16 1/2 feet
        1 mile = 320 poles = 5,280 feet
        1 acre = 160 square poles = 43,560 square feet
        1 square pole = 272 1/4 feet
        640 acres = 1 square mile

W. H. Marlow & Wife
To:        Deed
R. B. Vaughter
Regist Feby 25, 1870.
We W. H. Marlow and Huldah Marlow formerly Huldah Cozart have this day bargained and Sold and do hereby transfer and convey to R. B. Vaughter and his heirs forever for the consideration of $4224.50. Four Thousand Two Hundred dollars and twenty four dollars and fifty cents, to us in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged a tract or parcel of land in the State of Tennessee, Madison County, and District No. 9, the same being devised in the last will and testament of Joshua Cozart deceased formerly of Madison County Tennessee, containing by estimation one hundred and twenty and three fourths acres, be the same more or less and bounded as follows

Beginning at a Stake with Elm & Dogwood pointers, in the S.E. corner of said tract of land. Thence North 110 poles to a Stake with two white oak pointers. Thence West 129 3/4 poles to a Stake with Post oak & Persimmons pointers. Thence South 74 3/4 poles to a Stake with 2 white oak and Sasafras [sic.] pointers. Thence West 30 poles to a Stake with two Black oak pointers. Thence South 76 poles to a Stake with Poplar pointers. Thence East 96 poles to a Stake with Plum bush pointer. Thence North 40 3/4 poles to a Stake with 3 Black oak pointers. Thence East 61 3/4 poles to the Beginning.

To have and to hold the same to said R. B. Vaughter his heirs and assigns forever. We do covenant with the said R. B. Vaughter that we are lawfully seized of said land, have a good right to convey it and that the same is unencumbered We do further covenant and bind ourselves and our representatives to warrant and forever defend the title of the said land & every part thereof to the said R. B. Vaughter his heirs and assigns forever against the lawful claims of any & all persons whatsoever. This the 23rd day of December 1869.

                                                        W. H. Marlow
                                                        Huldah Marlow

State of Tennessee
Obion County

Personally appeared before me E. D. Farris clerk of County Court of said County, W. H. Marlow the bargainor [sic.] to the foregoing and hereto attached Deed, with whom I am personally acquainted and who acknowledged that he executed the same for the purposes therein contained.

And Huldah Marlow wife of the said W. H. Marlow having appeared before me privately & apart from her husband the said W. H. Marlow acknowledged the execution of the said deed to have been done by her freely, voluntarily & understandingly without compulsion or constraint from her said husband, and for the purposes therein expressed,

Witness E. D. Farris clerk of the Court at office this 23rd day of December AD 1869.

                                        E. D. Harris, clerk

State of Tennessee
Madison County
I Joel R. Chappell Register of said County, do hereby certify that the foregoing Deed with clerk's certificate and $4.50 in USR Stamps thereon was duly Filed in my office for registration this day at 1 o'clock PM and was so noted in Minute Book No 4 on page 412.
                                        Witness my hand at Office
                                        This the 25 day of February 1870

                                        J. R. Chappell

A very special thank you to , who transcribed and contributed this document for use on this web site.

This transcription is provided for personal use only, and is not to be copied, redistributed, or used for any commercial purposes.

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