Marion J. Kilzer & Mary Kilzer To W. H. Lyon Deed
November 20,1908

Submitted by Bobby J. Williams & Janie Williams Morris

M. J. Kilzer & Wife | State of Tennessee
To   | Deed         | Madison County
W. H. Lyon          |                      Know all men by these presents that we, M. J.
                    | Kilzer and wife Mary Kilzer have this day bargained and sold and by
Filed Nov. 20,1908  | these present doth bargain, sell, alien and convey unto W. H. Lyons, his
                      heirs and assigns forever our entire undivided interest in & to the real
estate of Mrs. E. R. West deed (deceased) for and in consideration of the sum of Three hundred
& seventy three 50/100 dollars ($373 50/100) payable as follows to wit:

Fifty dollars cash to us in hand paid the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and one note
for Three hundred & twenty three dollars & 50 cents, due and payable on January 10th 1909
with a lien retained on land for purchased money said land lying & being in said county and
state civil district No. 16 and bounded as follows to wit: on the north by the lands of Walker &
Mrs. Bell, on the east by Jense Davidson, on the south by M. D. Fly, and on the west by
C. C. West & D. W. Neville (it being the lands upon which Mrs. E. R. West resided at the
time of her death), to have and to hold said entire undivided interest to the said W. H. Lyon
his heirs and assigns forever, and we covenant with him that we are lawfully seized & possessed
of said entire undivided interest in said foregoing lands & have a perfect right to sell & convey
the same and that the same is free from any incumbrances and we further covenant & bind
ourselves to warrant & defend the title of said undivided interest to the said W. H. Lyon his
heirs and assigns against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, & I Mary Kilzer waive
all my right to homestead & dower in said lands.
This Oct. 17th 1908                                        M. J. Kilzer
                                                           Mary Kilzer

Note: A copy of this deed was also filed in Gibson County, Tennessee.

A very special thank you to & Janie Williams Morris,
who transcribed and contributed this document for use on this web site.

This transcription is provided for personal use only, and is not to be copied, redistributed, or used for any commercial purposes.

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