D. P. Jaynes To H. J. Wright
December, 19th, 1896
Crockett Co., TN

D. P. Jaynes To H. J. Wright
67 acres
1st District

Know all men by these presents, that for the consideration here in after named, we, D.P. Jaynes have this day bargained, sold, aliened, and conveyed unto Joseph Wright and do by these presents hereby sell, transfer and convey unto the said H.J. Wright, his heirs and assigns forever, the following described tracts or parcels of land situated, lying and being in the first civil district of Crockett County, Tenn., and the first of the said tracts is butted and bounded as follows, to wit: Beginning at a red oak, Joshua Casey's S.E. corner, runs South 86 poles to a red oak with frost oak and red oak pointers; Thence West 81 poles to a stake with two small red oak and frost oak pointers; Thence North 86 poles to a stake with white oak pointers; Thence East 81 poles to the beginning, containing by estimation 47 acres more or less.

Tract No. 2. in the same civil district and adjoining the land above described on the West and is bounded on the North by J.E. Casey; on the East the above described land; on the South by the Richards heirs; on the West by J.E. Casey; and contains by estimation 20 acres. The same 20 acres of land that I purchased from J.W. Emison. And the first named tract is the one upon which we now live and was purchased from Thos W. Kennen. I further covenant and agree with the said H.J. Wright that I am lawfully seized of the said land and have a right to convey the same. The same being unincumbered (sic) except the first tract herein named is incumbered (sic) with a mortgage of $200.00 executed to the Bank of Crockett or its cashier, which the said H.J. Wright assumes to pay as a part of the consideration herein after named. I further agree that I will warrant and forever defend the title to the said two tracts of land against the lawful claims of any and all persons whomsoever. The consideration for the said two tracts of land is nine hundred dollars ($900.00) which is paid or assumed to be paid in the following manner, that is to say: the said H.J. Wright is to pay the two hundred dollars aforesaid to the Bank of Crockett, and two notes for three hundred and fifty dollars each bearing even date herewith. The one due and payable on or before the first of November, 1897, and the other due and payable on the 1st of November, 1898. The usual lien retained herein to secure the payment of said notes. In testimony whereof I have hereunto affixed my signature, this December, 19th, 1896.

State of Tennessee
Crockett County

D.P. Jaynes

Personally appeared before me. D.B. Dodson, clerk of County Court of said County, the above named D.P. Jaynes, the bargainor (sic), with whom I am personally acquainted, and who acknowledged that he executed the within instrumented for the purposes therein contained.
Witness my hand at office, this 19 day of Dec., 1896.
D.B. Dodson Clerk

I certify that the foregoing deed and certificate were rec'd for Registration Dec 19 - 1896, at 10:25 o'clock A.M. and so noted in minute book No 2. Pages 58 & 59.

J.P. Neal Reg.

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who transcribed and contributed this document for use on this web site.

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