To Gilbert Cozart Recorded 9th of December 1830 Madison County Book 2A. page 739 In 1871 this area became Crockett County Civil District 1 Madison County microfilm roll #166 Transcribed by Denise L. Cozart July 2002 Background: Gilbert was the son of Joshua. We know from the U.S. Census that Gilbert was born around 1805 in Georgia. He came to West Tennessee with his family where his sister Malinda was born around 1820. In 1830 when Gilbert was about 25 years old, he purchased his own property near his father's. See Joshua's deed of April 1825. Both tracts were bounded by Entry #23 (Ewing) and Entry #450 (University of North Carolina). They were located on the north side of the South Fork of the Forked Deer River in Madison County. The South Fork of the Forked Deer River is a long river which starts in Dyer County in the north and runs down through the present counties of Crockett, Haywood, Madison and Chester. The tracts were in the 10th District, 2nd Range, 9th Section of Madison County. In 1871 this area became Crockett County, Civil District 1. The land in this deed was measured in poles and acres: 1 pole = 16 1/2 feet 1 mile = 320 poles = 5,280 feet 1 acre = 160 square poles = 43,560 square feet 1 square pole = 272 1/4 feet 640 acres = 1 square mile 739 Recorded 9th of December 1830 To all to whom these presents shall come . . . Greeting: KNOW YE, That by virtue of part of certificate No 2878 dated 24th of March 1830 paid by the Secretary and commission of West Tennessee to Robert McConnell for 230 3/4 acres, fifty acres of which was entered by Entry No. 2490 dated 10th May 1830 under the occupant claims in the name Gilbert Cozart assignee, originally of said McConnell There is granted by the said State of Tennessee unto Gilbert Cozart A certain tract or parcel of Land, containing fifty acres by survey bearing date 12th of May 1830 in the Tenth Survey of district Range two and Section nine in Madison County on the North Side of the South fork of Forked Deer river, and bounded as follows: Beginning at two Black gums, the North west corner of Entry No. 450 for 274 acres in the name of the President & Trustees of the University of North Carolina on the South boundary line of Entry No. 23 for 300 acres in the name of Ewing. Thence West with the Same twenty six poles to a Stake. the North East corner of a ten acre Entry, Thence South forty poles to a Stake its South East corner. Thence West forty poles to a hickory its South West corner thence South eleven poles to a Stake the South East corner of John McIver's 48 acre entry. Thence West with his line fifty and one half poles to an elm. Thence South Sixty six poles to a hickory and three hor ams [ink blot]. Thence East one hundred and sixteen and one half poles to a Dogwood on the West boundary line of said 274 acres entry. Thence North with the same Ninety five poles to beginning With the hereditaments and appertenances [appurtenances]. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said tract or parcel of land with its appertenances to the said Gilbert Cozart and his heirs forever. In witness whereof, William Carroll Governor of the State of Tennessee hath hereunto set his hand, and caused the great seal of the state to be affixed, at Madison Co. on the 22nd day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty and of the Independence of the United States the 55th BY THE GOVERNOR: Wm Carroll Thos H Fletcher Secretary. A very special thank you to , who transcribed and contributed this document for use on this web site. This transcription is provided for personal use only, and is not to be copied, redistributed, or used for any commercial purposes.