County Court Clerk's Minutes
Crockett Co., TN

Alamo Tennessee, Monday October 20th 1884


Whereas it appears to the Court that FLETCHER TAYLOR died in Crockett County, Tenn, five or six years ago and no one has bonded or qualified as Administrator of his estate: and where as it appears from evidence that MAHON & GOODLOE are creditors of the estate of said FLETCHER TAYLOR and have this day made application for the appointment of such Administrator.

Therefore it is ordered by the Court that notice be given to the heirs as above named to appear before the Court on Monday Oct. 27th 1884 and be clothed with authority as Admr. or the same will be granted to the said H. H. MAHON.

Alamo Tennessee, Monday October 27th 1884

Administrator of

On motion H. H. MAHON was this day appointed Administrator of the estate of FLETCHER TAYLOR decd. Thereupon the said H. H. MAHON came into open Court and entered into bond in the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars with C. A. GOODLOE and W. J. PITTMAN as his securities who severally acknowledged said bond in open Court which was approved by the Court and ordered recorded and the said H. H. MAHON was duly qualified as the law direct. It was further ordered that letters of Administration issue to the said H. H. MAHON.

Alamo Tennessee, Monday January 5th 1885

H. H. MAHON Admr

In the County Court of Crockett County at Alamo Tennessee.

The undersigned would respectfully report unto your Worshipful Court that on the 23rd day December 1884 after giving notice he proceeded to adjudicate the claim filed against the estate of FLETCHER TAYLOR in this cause, towit MAHON & GOODLOE judgement and cash amount due Decr. 23rd 1884 Ninety Two and 92/100 Dollars.

All of which is respectfully submitted

From the above judgement of the County Court ---? adjudging the estate of FLETCHER TAYLOR indebted to MAHON & GOODLOE in the sum of 92 92/ the heirs towit: JOHN TAYLOR and ALBERT TAYLOR excepts and prays an appeal to the next term of the Circuit Court to be held in Alamo on the 4th Monday in January 1885 which is granted upon them giving bond and security for cost in the sum of $250.00 conditioned as required by law and they are allowed twenty days in which to give bond.

Alamo Tennessee, Wednesday January 7th 1885

H. H. MAHON Admr
JOHN TAYLOR and others

Ordered by the Court that H. E. AUSTIN be appointed Guardian ad Litem for the minors viz OSSIE and ANNIE TAYLOR GUS ODELL JOE and CORA WILLIAMS and R. F. TAYLOR and answer on or before the 12th day of January 1885.

Alamo Tennessee, Monday February 2nd 1885

Be it remembered that this day H. H. MAHON Admr of FLETCHER TAYLOR decd tendered his resignation as said Administrator and upon motion AB TAYLOR was duly appointed bonded and qualified as said Administrator and by consent of all parties the suit heretofore commenced by said MAHON as Admr. is ordered to stand in the name of AB TAYLOR as Admr. &c.

Alamo Tennessee, Tuesday March 3rd A.D. 1885


In this cause it appears to the Court that the petition was filed in this cause Novr. 24th 1884 and that copy and ---? issued and was served upon the adults viz JOHN TAYLOR, HICKS TAYLOR, ALBERT TAYLOR of Crockett County Tenn and JACK JOHNSON and wife MALINDA JOHNSON of Gibson County Tenn and publication made as to OSSIE TAYLOR of the State of Texas and that they nor either of them have made answered and still fail and refuse to plead answer or demur to the petition filed against them. It is therefore ordered by the Court judgement against them be taken for confessed and set for hearing exparte as to them, it is further ordered that the Clerk take proof and pass upon claims against said estate and make report in addition to former report herein made on Monday the 9th day of March 1885 until the coming in of which report all other matters are held in reserve.

Alamo Tennessee, Monday March 9th A.D. 1885


Be it remembered that this cause came on to be heard before his worship T. Y. JOHNSON Chairman &c on this the 9th day of March 1885 it being an adjourned day of the March Term of the County Court upon the petition filed herein orders proconfesso answer of Guardian ad Litem and the report of the Clerk to this term of Court which is in words and figures as follows: ALBERT TAYLOR Admr

To the worshipful County Court of Crockett County Tennessee/

The undersigned in obediance to an order of reference in the above cause would report that he ----? & to adjudicate the claims filed against FLETCHER TAYLOR's estate, when the following claims were allowed, towit:

P. Farrow & Son         debt and interest         38.34
Mahon & Goodloe debt and interest 92.00

The following claims were disallowed towit:

Hick and Hess         Out of date             41.30
T. J. Hicks Out of date 32.00
T. J. Hicks Out of date 10.00
T. J. Hicks Out of date 8.32
A. H. Tatum Out of date 13.3

All of which is respectfully submitted March 9th 1885

Which report being unexcepted to is in all things confirmed And it appearing to the Court that FLETCHER TAYLOR died on or about the year 1876 leaving as his heirs at law the defendants mentioned in said Bill. It further appearing and that the administrator has suggested the insolvency of same and it further appearing to the Court that said TAYLOR decd was indebted to the parties to the amounts mentioned in said report and that the only property liable for same is the land described in said petition and that it will be necessary to sell the same to pay said debts and costs of this proceedings.....

Alamo Tennessee, Tuesday April 7th 1885


Long document states that the property, in the 4th Civil District, was sold to W. F. FARROW. The property was bounded by ROBERT SMITH and McWHIRTER heirs.

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[No corrections to spelling were made]

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