County Court Clerk's Minutes Crockett Co., TN |
Alamo Tennessee, Monday 4th day of June 1883
State of Tennessee This is the certify that JOHN W. SAWRIE of said County and State who is blind, lost his sight while in the confederate army from a gun shot wound in the eye at the battle of Shiloh Tennessee April 6th 1862 and that SAWRIE comes within the provisions of an Act passed by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee March 30th 1883 Entitled an act to provide relief for Soldiers from Tennessee in the army of the late Confederate States who lost their eyes while engaged in battle. Also Federal Soldiers from Tennessee in like condition who are not pensioned under the U.S. Government. We further certify that he has never been entered on the roll as a pensioner.
Given our hand this 4th day of June 1883 [No corrections to spelling were made]
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