County Court Clerk's Minutes Crockett Co., TN |
Issued Oct. 10, 1879 Ordered by the Court that ROBERT HAILEY, D. T. AGEE and JOHN LAYMAN be and they are apointed commissioners to lay off and set apart to THOMAS RIDDICK minor aged six years one years support out of the effects of JOSEPH RIDDICK dec'd and report to the next term of this Court. Monday, November the 3rd A.D. 1879
State of Tennessee To the worshipful Court of Crockett County Tennessee The undersigned committee appointed at the October Term 1879 to lay off and set apart one years support for TOM RIDDICK minor of J. H. RIDDICK decd beg leave to submit the following report. We set apart for said purpose Seventy five Dollars in money. All of which is ratified and confirmed by the Court.
All of which is respectfully submitted this Oct. 17, 1879. Alamo Tennessee, Monday February 4th A.D. 1884
R. T. MANNING On motion R. T. MANNING this day entered into and renewed his bond as Guardian of THOMAS RIDDICK minor orphan of J. M. RIDDICK. Thereupon the said R. T. MANNING came into open Court and entered into and renewed his bond in the sum of One Thousand Dollars with GEORGE CARTER and A. J. RICHARDSON as his securities who severally achkowledged said bond in open court which was approved by the Court and ordered recorded. Alamo Tennessee, Monday May 4th 1885
R. T. MANNING The settlement of R. T. MANNING Guardian of THOS. RIDICK made with the Clerk of this Court 6th day of April 1885 and examined by the Court was confirmed and ordered recorded. Alamo Tennesse, Monday February 1st 1886
R. T. MANNING The settlement of R. T. MANNING Guardian of THOMAS RIDDICK made with the Clerk of this Court Nov. 7th, 1885 and examined by the Court, was this day ratified and confirmed and ordered recorded Alamo Tennessee, Monday December 6th 1886
R. T. MANNING The Settlement of R. T. MANNING Guardian of THOMAS RIDDICK made with the Clerk of this Court 7th day of November 1886 and examined by the Court was this day ratified and confirmed and ordered recorded Alamo Tennessee Monday January 16th 1888
R. T. MANNING The Settlement of R. T. MANNING Guardian of THOS RIDDICK made with the clerk of this court and dated Nov the 7th 1887 was examined by the court and ratified confirmed and ordered recorded. Alamo Tennessee, Monday May the 6th 1889
R. T. MANNING The settlement of R. T. MANNING Guardian of THOMAS RIDDICK made with the clerk of this cour and dated November th 7th 1888 was examined by the court ratified confirmed and ordered recorded Alamo Tennessee, Tuesday, January 7, 1890
R. T. MANNING The Settlement of R. T. MANNING Guardian of THOMAS RIDDICK made with the Clerk of this Court and Dated Nov. 7, 1889. Was examined by the Court ratified, confirmed and ordered recorded Alamo Tennessee, Monday December 15th 1890
The Settlement of R. T. MANNING Guardian of THOS. RIDDICK made with the clerk of this court and Dated Nov. 7, 1890 was this day presented to the court, examined ratified confirmed and ordered recorded
[No corrections to spelling were made]
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