County Court Clerk's Minutes Crockett Co., TN Benjamin F. Riddick Estate Records |
According to a court case filed by his widow, Louisa Ann Perry, for Homestead & Dower rights, Benjamin F. Riddick died 8 Nov 1874
Alamo Tennessee, Monday March 1st 1875
ISAAC A. NUNN Admr of On motion ISAAC A. NUNN is this day appointed Administrator of B. F. RIDDICK Deceased's Estate, thereupon the said I. A. NUNN came into Court and entered into Bond in the sum of One thousand dollars with W. N. BEASLEY and AEX [Alex?] WARREN as his securities who severally acknowledged said bond in open Court which was approved by the Court and ordered to be recorded. And the said I. A. NUNN was duly qualified as the law directs. It is further ordered that letters of Administration issue to the said I. A. NUNN. Alamo Tennessee, Monday March 1st 1875 Ordered by the Court that J. S. PERRY, G. W. VAUGHAN and J. PARKER be and are hereby appointed commissioners to lay off and set apart one years support for the widow and minor children of B. F. RIDDICK Decd and report at the next term of this Court, This 1st day of March 1875 Alamo, Monday 7th day of June 1877 ISAAC A. NUNN Administrator of the Estate of B. F. RIDDICK decd this day presented inventory and account sales of said Estate and the same was ordered to be recorded Alamo, Monday 7th May 1877
I. A. NUNN The settlement of I. A. NUNN as Administrator of B. F. RIDDICK decd made with the Clerk of this Court on the 3d day of April 1877 was this day ratified and Confirmed by the Court and ordered recorded Alamo, Monday 2 day of July 1877
I. A. NUNN On motion of Complainant Solicitor and it appearing to the Court that an order of Continuance made in the Cause at the last term of this Court through in advert---? was not entered upon the minutes Is therefore ordered by the Court that said order of -----? be entered nune protence Alamo, Tuesday 4 day of July 1877
I. A. NUNN Be it remembered this cause coming onto be heard before the worshipful S. S. WATKINS Chairman of the County Court of Crockett County Tennessee on the 3 day of July 1877 on bill answer of Guardian ad litem order pro punfesso? proof and report of clerk and It appearing to the Court that I. A. NUNN was duly appointed Administrator of B. F. RIDDICK deceased that as said Administrator said NUNN has Exhausted all of the personal effects belonging to the Estate of said B. F. RIDDICK decd leaving lawful claims debts outstanding & unpaid due from the Estate of said RIDDICK decd to the following persons in amounts as follows A. J. RIDDICK 26 17/00 dollars E. B. LUCAS 37 66/00 dollars I. A. NUNN 43 74/00 dollars and that RIDDICK died seized opaid? land mentioned & described in the ----? &C and that it is necessary to sell said land of Sixteen acres to pay said outstanding debts. it is therefore ordered adjudged and decreed by the Court that said land be sold by the Clerk of this Court after advertising by printed parters? 30 days before sale to the highest and best bidder for one fourth cash and ballance on twelve months time note with approved security required retaining a lien on said land for the purchace money and apply the proceeds first to the payment of all cost herein accrude and secondly to the payment of said outstanding debts and Solicuters fees Remainder If any then to the heirs of said B. F. RIDDICK. As they are entitled the Clerk will report to the next term of this Court until the Coming in of which report all things are held up and It is further ordered that the Clerk will enroll? all the papers in this Case not on the minutes said Land to be sold at the Court house door Alamo Tennessee
Alamo, Monday 6th day of Aug 1877
This Cause coming onto be heard on the report of the Clerk to the present term of the Court which is in words and figures as follows to wit
In County Court at Alamo
The undersigned in compliance with an order of your Court at the present time thereof would respectfully report 1st that from the proof he finds that Twenty five (25) Dollars would be a fair and reasonable fee for W. A. POWELL as Solicitor? in this Cause. 2 that Five dollars (5) would be a fair and reasonable fee for J. W. WILLIAMS as Guardian ad litum in said Cause all of which is submitted Aug 7th 1877
F. J. WOOD Clk which being unexcepted to is in all things confirmed and it was ordered that said fees be paid by the Clerk of this Court from any of the proceeds of said land in his hands after the payment.
I. A. NUNN Admr
State of Tennessee
Be it remembered this Cause Coming onto be heard finally before the worshipful S. S. WATKINS Chairman of the County Court of Crockett County on the 6 day of August 1877 on the report of the Clerk of sale &C which report is in words and figures as follows.
The undersigned in compliance with an enter----? decree rendered in this Case of I. A. NUNN Admr vs G. W. RIDDICK deed? did proved to sell the tract of Land described in the pleadings mentioned containing 16 acres more of less and E. B. LUCAS and I. A. NUNN being the best and highest bidders the same was knocked off to them at Six 30/00 dollars per acre the said NUNN & LUCAS have paid into my hands Twenty five 20/00 dollars (25 20/00) and executed their notes due in twelve months for Seventy five 60/00 dollars with J. N. ALBRITTEN and W. N. BEASLEY as their Securities All of which is respectfully submitted.
FRANCIS J. WOOD Clerk which report being unexcepted to is in all things confirmed It Is therefore ordered by the Court that all the right title and Interest that G. W. RIDDICK, A. L. RIDDICK, O. C. RIDDICK, C. A. RIDDICK, W. J. RIDDICK, E. P. RIDDICK, J. M. RIDDICK, B. F. RIDDICK, T. M. RIDDICK, W. B. RIDDICK, T. J. RIDDICK and wife N. E. RIDDICK, F. M. RIDDICK and wife AMANDA H. RIDDICK, CAROLINE RIDDICK and JOSEPH RIDDICK heirs at Law of B. F. RIDDICK decd in and to said tract of Land be divested out of them and vested in I. A. NUNN & E. B. LUCAS purchaser subject to a lein for the unpaid purchase money and that on paying the legal fees therefor they be allowed a copy of this decree for registration as a -----? of title to said land and it is to the Clerk to take proof and report to the present term of this Court what would be a reasonable fee to W. A. POWELL eqr? for his Services as Soliciter and J. W. WILLIAMS fee for Services as Guardian ad litum All of which further Quarters? herein are ---? up until the Com--- of said report.
Thursday 9th day of January A.D. 1879
I. A. NUNN Admr
In this cause it is ordered by the Court that W. N. BROWN? County Court Clerk pay out the funds in his hands belonging to the Estate of B. F. RIDDICK to the creditors of said estate due on file, the propotional amount belonging to them after all expenses are paid, and report to the next term of this Court.
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