County Court Clerk's Minutes Crockett Co., TN |
Alamo, Wednesday 9 July 1873
State of Tennessee This cause this day Came on to be heard on affidavit and Bond made before DENNIS TATUM an acting Justice of the Peace in and for the County of Crockett and State of Tennessee W. F. POSTEN defendants attorney Moved that this case be dismissed on the ground that his Client was not properly in Court as the affedavit made by the plaintiff was not signed by her This was overruled
The defendant then by his attorney filed his affidavit stating among many other reasens he never had sectual intercourse with the plaintiff. After mature deliberation by the Court and from all the facts presented It was ordered and determined that the defendant was not guilty and that he be set at Liberty and the state pay the Cost of this suit.
[No corrections to spelling were made]
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