County Court Clerk's Minutes
Crockett Co., TN

Tuesday, September 3d A.D. 1872

State of Tennessee
~VS~ Bastardy

This Cause Came on for hearing before the County Court of Crockett County and the Judgement of the Court is that defendant SOLOMAN NUNN pay for the use of the Bastard Child the sum of Ninety $90 dollars in three installments Forty dollars to be pad on the first of July 1873 Thirty dollars on the first of July 1874 and twenty $20 on the first of July 1875 and is to give Bond and security for the payment of the above amts payable to JOHN BURNETT appointed by the Court receiver to apply said amts for the use and benefit of said Bastard Child and It is further ordered that defendant in this Case pay all cost In this behalf expended and that exe----? shall Issue

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[No corrections to spelling were made]

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