County Court Clerk's Minutes Crockett Co., TN |
Alamo, Wednesday 9th February 1876
H. W. WINBURN On motion H. C. WINBURN was this day appointed Guardian of MATTIE A. NORVILLE, R. T. NORVILLE and L. I. B. NORVILLE. Therupon the said H. C. WINBURN came into open Court and entered into bond in the sum of one thousand dollars with A. G. WINBUR, P. M. NEAL and J. C. BEST as his securities...
Alamo, Wednesday 9th February 1876 Ordered by the Court that A. G. HICKS, T. G CATES and H. H. MAHON be and they are hereby appointed Commissioners to lay off and set apart one years support for the minor heirs of A. G. NORVILLE under 15 years of age Independent aside and Exlusive of what is allowd said Minors by the ----? Laws of Tennessee and some species of property must be set aside for the purchase such things as are not on hand and report to this term of the Court. Alamo, Wednesday 9th February 1876
Alamo, Thursday 10th February 1876
Finding not a sufficiency on the place for one years support for the minors of A. G. NORVILLE we the Commissioners set aside the following property to wit
15 stand bees All Irish potatoes 1 Cow 2 Sheep all farming utensils all house hold and kitchen furniture the remainder of meet and lard 2 bales of cotton already skipped all the corn Fodder & Hay 1 corn sheller 1 grind ----? 1 sewing machine all books 1 wheel barrow 1 vice 1 bench all plows 1 brace & bit The above includes all property we find on the premises exempt from Execution
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