County Court Clerk's Minutes Crockett Co., TN Dated |
Crockett Co., Tennessee County Court Clerk's Minutes Vol. A November the 4th A.D. 1872
ELLOR McQUIRTER On motion ELLOR McQUIRTER a Colored Minor was this day apprenticed to C. A. BOSWELL thereupon the said C. A. BOSWELL came into Court and entered into Bond in the sum of one thousand dollars to well and truly comply with his contract this day made with the County Court with S. H. AVERRY and T. A. NICHOLS as his securities which Bond was severally acknowledged in open Court approved by the Court and ordered to be recorded. The condition of the obligation is this that whereas ELLOR McQUIRTER a Colored Minor being unable to support herself and the Mother of said minor being unable to support the said ELLOR the County Court bound the said ELLOR to C. A. BOSWELL who is to furnish ELLOR with good diet and clothing and good comfortable Quarters and to see she is well attended to either in sickness or health and not abuse or mistreat the said ELLOR in any manner whatever and that ELLOR is to be well cared for under all circumstances and cause her to be taught or teach her to read and write well and cypher to the single rule of three and at the Expiration of the apprenticship to give ELLOR Fifty dollars and one good suit of Sundy Clothing said said ELLOR is now about six years old. (signed) C. A. BOSWELL [Note from transcriber: It is possible that the last name should be McWhirter, not McQuirter]
[No corrections to spelling were made]
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