County Court Clerk's Minutes
Crockett Co., TN

Tuesday, September 3d A.D. 1872

State of Tennessee
~VS~ Bastardy

This cause on for hearing before the County Court of Crockett County and the witness in be---? the State not being ready for trial on Motion It was Continued until the 2nd day of the next term of this Court and It is further ordered that Notice Issue to DICY SEALES to make persinal appearance at the Court House in Alamo on the first tuesday after the first Monday in October to give evidence in behalf of the State This she shall in No wise omit under the penality prescribed by Law

We acknowledge owerselves indebeted to the State of Tennessee in the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars To be void If JACK MALON shall make his personal appearance at the Court House in the town of Alamo on the first tuesday after the 1st Monday in october next then and thier to answer the state in Bastardy on the Body of DICY SEALES and not depart without leave of Consent.

JACK (his X mark) MOLAN
-------? POWELL

Alamo, Tuesday October the 8 A.D. 1872

State of Tennessee
~VS~ Bastardy

This Case Came on for hearing and the prosecutor in behalf of the State failing to appear after having due notice according to Law it is therefore ordered that the Case be dismissed and stricken from the docket and Judgement rendered against prosecuter for the Cost Execution May Issue

Transcribed and contributed by .
[No corrections to spelling were made]

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