County Court Clerk's Minutes Crockett Co., TN |
Alamo, Monday 4th October 1875
From the petition which is sworn to It appearing to the Court that M. C. KEARNELL is a Citizen of Crockett County Tenn and It further appearing that she was in the year 1869 Married to one KEARNELL from whom she was afterwards divorced but not remitted to her maiden name and that said matter of remitting her to her maiden name was not passed upon or adjudicated by said Court and It further appearing that the said M. C. KEARNELL under a misapprehension of the law resumed her maiden name of WILSON and has transacted business in said name of M. C. WILSON and is generally known by the name of WILSON and It further appearing that by resuming said name of KEARNELL she the said M. C. KEARNELL would be subject to great embarrassment and some pecuniary? loss as well as being very disagreeable to the said petitioner. Therefore it is ordered by the Court the name of M. C. KEARNELL be changed and hereby is changed to that of M. C. WILSON
[No corrections to spelling were made]
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