County Court Clerk's Minutes Crockett Co., TN |
Alamo, Tuesday 3d August 1875
State of Tennessee
In this Case It appearing from the return of the Sheriff of this County that after diligent Inquisition of a Jury of twelve men as the Law directs he finds that the said ISAAC KAIL is a lunatic and it is further appearing that said ISAAC KAIL has property and effects to the yearly value of seventy nine dollars per year. It Is therefore ordered by the Court that a guardian be appointed to take charge of the person & property of said ISAAC KAIL And It further appearing that WILLIAM STAMPS is a suitaly person to be appointed Guardian for said KAIL It Is therefore ordered by the Court that WILLIAM STAMPS be and he is hereby appointed Guardian of said ISAAC KAIL on petition of IVEY KAIL, B. T. KAIL, MARY J. FAULKNER, NANCY WARD, W. M. KAIL, G. W. KAIL. Thereupon the said W. STAMPS Came into Court and entered his bond in the sum of Two hundred fifty dollars with I. T. MOORE and B. T. KAIL as his securities who severally acknowledged said Bond in open Court which was approved by the Court and the said STAMPS was duly Qualified as the Law directs and It Is further ordered that the Guardian pay the Cost of this proceeing out of the first Money coming into his hands of said KAIL
[No corrections to spelling were made]
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