County Court Clerk's Minutes Crockett Co., TN |
Alamo, Monday 4th October 1875
MARY J. GRAVES On motion MARY J. GRAVES was this day appointed Administratrix of WILLIAM L. GRAVES decd Thereupon the said MARY J. GRAVES came into Court and entered into Bond in the sum of Two Thousand dollars with PEYTON W. GRAVES and M. GREGORY as her securities... Alamo, Monday 6th day of December 1875
MARY J. GRAVES In this cause it is ordered by the Court that the Clerk & Master be required to Cause MARY J. GRAVES the Administrator of W. L. GRAVES to come before him and by proof show to the Court as near as she can the Indebetedness of her intestate Estate and to whom said in debetedness is going also to show the amount of the personal assetts which is solvent that has come in to her hand & control Furthermore the Clerk to take proof & report as to any State & County taxes due on said Land and report to the January term 1876 of this Court. Alamo, Monday 6th day of December 1875
In the County Court of Crockett County Tennessee In this Cause It Is ordered by the Court that JAMES BUCHANAN be appointed Guardian ad litem for the miner heirs of W. L. GRAVES decd by name as follows JAMES T. GRAVES, JOHN H. GRAVES, B. W. A. GRAVES and that he be required to answer to bill of Complaint of MARY J. GRAVES Administrator of W. L. GRAVES decd at the January term of this Court 1876
[No corrections to spelling were made]
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