County Court Clerk's Minutes
Crockett Co., TN

Alamo, Monday March the 3d 1873

State of Tennessee

In this Cause Motion was made by defendants attorney to dismiss on the grounds that the prosecuter had failed to appear and prosecute said suit and the same was overruled and ordered by the Court that sara? fucias Issue against Plaintiff to Cause her to appear on the 2nd day of the next term of this Court and prosecute or Judgement for Cost will be given against her.

Alamo, Monday August 4 A.D. 1873

State of Tennessee

In this Cause the plaintiff having failed to prosecute his appeal and having intered into Bond for his appearance at this Term of the Court and the Execute his several notes for the Maintainance of the Child It is therefore ordered adjudged and decreed That A. T. CUNNINGHAM enter into and give his notes for the maintainance of the Child

Thereupon the said A. T. CUNNINGHAM came into Court and entered into and give his 3 Notes to DENNIS TATUM as his securities Trustee with W. T. CUNNINGHAM and C. A. BOSWELL as his securities one note for $40.00 due 4 August 1874 and one for $30.00 due 4 August 1875 and one for 20.00 due 4 August 1876

Alamo, Monday 1 February 1875

State of Tennessee

In this Cause It Is ordered by the Court that S. G. BOOTH be and he is hereby appointed Trustee in place & stand of DENNIS TATUM decd

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[No corrections to spelling were made]

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