County Court Clerk's Minutes
Crockett Co., TN

Alamo Tennessee Monday October 21st 1889

B. F. COOP administ
of the estate of
G. B. H. COOP Deceased

On motion B. F. COOP was this day appointed administrator of the estate of G. B. H. COOP Deceased.

Thereupon the said B. F. COOP came into open court and entered into bond in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars with AARON SANDERS and A. J. WARD as his securities...

Alamo Tennessee Monday October 21st 1889

Ordered by the court that Dr. J. A. GRIFFIN, A. J. JOHNSON and THOMAS TYREE be and they are hereby appointed to set apart one years support for MRS. COOP and family out of G. H. B. COOP Deceased estate exclusive of what is exempt from execution by the laws of Tennessee and report to the next term of this Court.

Transcribed and contributed by .
[No corrections to spelling were made]

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