County Court Clerk's Minutes Crockett Co., TN |
Alamo, Monday 1st day of November A.D. 1875 On petition and It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court N. W. COCHRAN departed this life in 1867 & that he was the owner of 100 acres of Land & his widow ALICE B. COCHRAN now comes and ask to J. J. McLEMORE, JO COOPER, R. J. DAVIS free holders & unconnected by affinity or Consanquinity & W. A. JOHNSON County Surveyor be appointed Commissioners to lay off her Dower which is granted & further ordered that they report to the next term of this Court. Alamo, Monday 6th day of December 1875 To the Worshipful County Court of Crockett County We your Commissioners appointed at the October term of said Court to lay off and set apart Dower Interest of MRS. ALAMENTER COCHRAN widow of NATHAN W. COCHRAN decd of the Real Estate owned by her at the time of his death ask to make the following as our report That we met on the premises pursuant to the order and after Conferring with the widow proceeded to lay off and set apart said Dower taken from the North side of the tract of Land butted and bounded as follows {description of land, bounded by ROBERT DAVIS] ... Containing by Estimation thirty (30) acres together with the mansion house and improvements all of which is repectfully submitted after being duly sworn this the 2 day of December 1875.
J. J. McLEMORE [No corrections to spelling were made]
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