County Court Clerk's Minutes
Crockett Co., TN

Dated May 6, 1872

Crockett Co., Tennessee
County Court Clerk's Minutes
Vol. A

Monday, May 6th A.D. 1872

Administrator of
JOHN BURRIS deceased

On motion and at the request of the heirs and distributees of JOHN BURRIS deceased HENRY BUCK was this day appointed administrator of the said JOHN BURRIS Deceased Whereupon the said HENRY BUCK came into Court entered in and acknowledged his Bond in the sum of Two hundred Dollars with T. F. CONYERS and ASA DEAN as his securities which Bond was severally acknowledged in open Court approved by the Court and ordered to be recorded. Said BUCK was then only qualified and Letter of administration issue to him.


Ordered by the Court that F. F. CONYERS, JOSEPH S. SPENCE and WM. TRAYLOR be and they are hereby appointed Commissioners to Lay off and set apart one years allowance (Exlusive of what the Law allows) For the minor children of JOHN BURRIS Deceased under Fifteen years of age.

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[No corrections to spelling were made]

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