County Court Clerk's Minutes
Crockett Co., TN

Alamo Tennessee Tuesday January 6th 1891

of the estate of
A. G. BRASFIELD Deceased

On Motion J. F. BRASFIELD was this day appointed administrator of the estate of A. G. BRASFIELD Deceased.

Thereupon the said J. F. BRASFIELD came into open court and entered into bond in the sum of One Thousand Dollars with A. SELPH and J. D. EVANS as his securities...

Alamo Tennessee, Monday February the 21st 1891

To the worshipful county Court we the undersigned a commitly appointed at your January Term to lay off and set aside a years support for the minor Heirs of A. G. BRASFIELD we on Wednesday? the 14th day of Jany 1891 [there are no entries dated 14 Jan 1891] proseeded and did lay off and set apart the following property to witt. One sorrell mare blased? faced colt dolley one Grey mare one two horse waggon two pairs of plow geer two turning plows one chore? plow one cotton scraper two single trees 2 cotton Hoes two milch cows one red and one porty one sow and 7 pigs seven Head of sheep and 3 lambs, and what geese and chickens there is on hand and all the kitchen furnature there is on hand 2 beds & bed clothes one double barreled shot gun one clock one bible and what school Books on hand and what port there is on hand about 4 or 5 hundred pounds and about 10 gal of lard and what hay that there is on hand and about 25 gallons of molasses and finding no corn nor wheat nor sugar and coffee on hand we set a side one sucking colt to be sold and the proceeds applied for the same.


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[No corrections to spelling were made]

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