County Court Clerk's Minutes
Crockett Co., TN

Alamo Tennessee Monday January 4th 1892

M. T. MOORE admst
of the estate of W. S. BABB Deceased

On motion M. T. MOORE was this day appointed the administrator of the estate of W. S. BABB deceased.

Thereupon the said M. T. MOORE came into open court and entered into bond in the sum of Two Thousand Dollars with J. R. McDONALD, F. P. DRINKARD and G. T. REASONS as his securities...

Alamo Tennessee Monday January 4th 1892

Ordered by the court that J. S. ROBERTS, DOW LEMON and A. M. FARROW be and they are hereby appointed to set apart one years support for MRS. BABB and family out of W. S. BABB deceased estate...

Alamo Tennessee Monday February 1st 1892

We the undersigned Com. appointed by County Court of Crockett County to set aside one years support for the family of W. S. BABB deceased Report the following as our report We set aside
5 bls of corn 100 lbs Lard 150 lbs soap 6 lbs Flour 1000 lbs Pork 30 lbs coffey 150 shugar 25 gals molasses 1 blb salt 20 lbs soda 2 lbs of Black pepper 2 lbs of spice 5 gal vinagar 12 gal coal oil 1 bush dried fruit 2 doz can fruit 20 bush Sweet potatoes 10 bush Irish potatoes shoes dry Goods and all necessary clothing one Hundred and twenty five dollars.

We Find on hand the following artickles on hand to witt. 5 lbs corn 50 lbs soap 1 bush dried fruit. For artickles not on hand we give her the following artickles to witt. One note due on SOL LAMAN $36.00 one corn Planter one mule one sorrel Filley claim on J. S. ROBERTS $7.00 one mowing machine one half Hay Rake six Pigs two third of 1 bale cotton thirteen bls corn 1 bed stead and clothing. Jan the 29th 1892

Respectfully submitted: J. S. ROBERTS

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[No corrections to spelling were made]

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