County Court Clerk's Minutes
Crockett Co., TN

Alamo Tennessee Monday November 5th A.D. 1888

This day THOS. AVERY an orphan child the age of Ten years was brought into open court by A. WARREN a citizen of this county. It appearing to the satisfaction of the court that the estate of said child is so small value that no person will educate and mantain him for the profits thereoff it is therefore directed by the court that he be apprenticed to the said A. WARREN to learn the ocupation of farmer until he shall attain the age of Twenty one years upon the said A. WARREN entering into bond with good and sufficient securities in the sum of One Thousand dollars ($1000.00) conditional as required by law. Thereupon the said A. WARREN came into open with T. H. AVERY and W. N. BEASLEY and executed bond as required by law and the indenture of apprentisship is acknowledged in open court and ordered recorded.

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[No corrections to spelling were made]

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