James and Sarah Emison Bible

Bible of James & Sarah EMISON

Place:   Crockett County, TN

Submitted by: Carol Norville Berning, berningc@worldnet.att.net

Name Plate on inside front cover, copyright 1870
In center, 12 tintypes

W.R. Emison was married to wife S.W. Grant on the 12 day of Dec. 1873

Thomas J. Emison was married to wife Hester A. Grant on the 21 of Dec. 1876

James Emison was Boarn July the 2 1821

Saly Emison was Boarned June the 5 182(8)? an married to James Emison Dec the 18 1846

William Emison was Boarn February the 12 1849

Nancy Ann Emison was boarn March the 20 1852

Thomas Emison was Boarn Sep the 11 1854

George Emison was Boarn July the 11 1858

John S. Emison was Boarn April the 26 1863

Sarah Catherine was Boarn April the 26 1863

James H. Emison was Boarn april the 11 1866

Jesey H. Emison was Boarn Aug the 6 1869

Nancy Emison Died the 10 March 1854

Gorge W. Emison Died February the 4 1875

Leeles (?), Daughter of W.R. & S.W. Emison Departed this life Oct the 4th 1878

Daughter of T.J. & H.A. Emison Departed this life March the 20th 1878

Sarah Catherine Departed this life September 10, 1884

Thomas Emison died May the 13th 1906

John S. Emison Died Dec. 15, 1942

W.R. Emison was married to wife ______(?) (Sara) Grant on the 12 day of Dec 1873

On a Separate Sheet, (appears to be later handwriting):

J.H. Emerson Born April 11, 1866

E.L. (Boals) Emerson Born Feb. 8 1872

J.H. Emerson and E.L. Boals married Dec 18, 1890

Sidney A. Emreson Born Jan 28, 1892 Crockett County

Halley Emerson born Apr. 11, 1894 Crockett County

Larnce Berney Emerson Born Sept 6 1895 Crockett County

Hess Emerson Born Mar 20 1900 Crockett County

James Burnice Emerson Born June 18 1902

William Renshaw Emerson Born Apr 22 1905

Larnce Berney Emerson Died Nov 9 1895

Sidney A. Emerson died May 28, 1896

E.L. (Boals) Emerson died Dec. 10, 1932

On a loose scrap of paper in the Bible is the following list of names:

Name of Officers
A.W. Grant-President
N.A. McMillan-1st vice x
J.W. Taylor-2nd vice x
J.S. Emison-Sec.
T.J. Emison-1st steward
J.W. Emison-2nd steward
J.T. Smothers-________(?)
Billie Woodard-_______(?)
Archie McMillan-______(?)
R.G. Permenter-_______(?)
A.D. Grant-ch

Note: The paper is torn at the bottom; only the following words can be read:

Private members

Note: On back:
Investing committee
A motion was maid
And second that
We omit the regular
Ord of business

Contributed by:

© 2000 - Carol Norville Berning

This information has been provided for personal use only, and is not to be copied,
redistributed, or used for any commercial purposes.

Last updated