1910 Crockett County TN Census Index
Surnames P

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Page          Jim                 25        TN     169A
Palmer        Earl                26        TN     65A
Palmer        Jane                22        TN     216A
Palmer        Jesse               10        TN     216A
Palmer        John                20        TN     209A
Palmer        Jove                4         TN     114B
Palmer        Landa               15        TN     95A
Palmer        Lee                 40        TN     68A
Palmer        Leland M.           13        TN     82A
Palmer        Leslie              16        TN     95A
Palmer        Lonnie              10        TN     82A
Palmer        Luciel              7         TN     82A
Palmer        Mandy J.            26        TN     114B
Palmer        Mary                50        TN     216A
Palmer        Mollie              42        TN     68A
Palmer        Sadie               40        TN     114B
Palmer*       Sanford             16        .      216B
Palmer        Sanford             17        TN     216A
Palmer        Simon               60        TN     114B
Palmer        Susie               32        TN     114B
Palmore       Ben B.              66        TN     125B
Palmore       Emma                11        TN     87B
Palmore       Helen F.            3         TN     142B
Palmore       Helmer F.           9/12      TN     142B
Palmore       Hortense            17        TN     125B
Palmore       Ike D.              23        TN     125B
Palmore       Jay B.              46        TN     142B
Palmore       Jno W.              41        TN     125A
Palmore       John H.             11        TN     125A
Palmore       Martha              56        TN     125B
Palmore       Mary T.             26        TN     142B
Palmore       Neil                16        TN     142B
Palmore       Ollie B.            14        TN     125A
Palmore       Sarah               44        TN     125A
Paris         Essie P.            16        AL     128A
Paris         John W.             20        AL     128A
Paris         Mary M.             49        AL     128A
Park          Ardis E.            9         TN     112B
Park          Bernard H.          1/12      TN     112B
Park          Horace N.           20        TN     113A
Park          Ira                 30        TN     120A
Park          Joe T.              5         TN     112B
Park          Joseph F.           56        GA     113A
Park          Lonnie O.           32        TN     112B
Park          Lula E.             28        TN     112B
Park*         Maud B.             25        TN     120A
Park          Montera S.          59        TN     113A
Park          Virgil P.           3         TN     112B
Park          Wily S.             25        TN     113A
Parker        Addie               12        TN     119A
Parker        Anner               36        TN     119A
Parker        Buford              13        TN     83A
Parker        Earnest F.          3/12      TN     119A
Parker        Easter              60        TN     174B
Parker        Emma F.             48        TN     83A
Parker        James H.            92        NC     132A
Parker        Jay                 26        TN     236B
Parker        Jim                 65        TN     174B
Parker        Lougene             22        TN     174B
Parker        Minuet              54        TN     83A
Parker        Robert E.           42        TN     119A
Parker        Robie L.            7         TN     119A
Parker        Ruth                16        TN     119A
Parker        Silonia*            12        TN     174B
Parker        William F.          53        TN     119A
Parks         Birdie E.           26        TN     134B
Parks         Elsie               5         TN     134B
Parks         Eugene              12        TN     81A
Parks         Roy B.              14        TN     81A
Parks         William H.          30        TN     134B
Parlow        Benjaman            23        TN     46A
Parlow        Earlie              20        TN     46A
Parlow        Edmon               21        TN     46A
Parlow        Francis L.          34        TN     34A
Parlow        Molley B.           55        TN     46A
Parlow        Nathan W.           61        TN     46A
Parlow        William H.          71        TN     34A
Parma         Ada                 38        TN     17A
Parma         Charlie             7         TN     17A
Parma         Lela                35        TN     11A
Parma         Menus*              45        TN     17A
Parma         William             9         TN     17A
Parsley       Algie               10        TN     104A
Parsley       Bertha              16        TN     104A
Parsley       Birdie              19        TN     104A
Parsley       Charles             13        TN     104A
Parsley       Jim                 53        TN     104A
Parsley       Maggie              43        TN     104A
Parsley       Tho                 2         TN     104A
Partee        Alma                11        TN     220A
Partee        Charlie             23        TN     220A
Partee        Dave                55        NC     8B
Partee        David C.            27        TN     69B
Partee        Dora                37        TN     222A
Partee        Emma                24        TN     220A
Partee        Lou F.              17        TN     69B
Partee        Thanie              30        TN     8B
Partee        William A.          1         TN     69B
Partee        Wilmot              13        TN     220A
Patrick       Burnetta            20        TN     170B
Patrick       Fred                15        TN     170B
Patrick       Haddie              5         TN     170B
Patrick       Isaiah              25        TN     170B
Patrick       Jones*              29        TN     170B
Patrick       Lena                5         TN     170B
Patrick       Spam                52        TN     170B
Patrson*      Mary A.             62        TN     23A
Patrson*      William L.          56        TN     23A
Patterson     Ada B.              49        TN     175A
Patterson     Addie M.            3         TN     176A
Patterson     Annie               2/12      TN     193B
Patterson     Arlin               10        TN     186A
Patterson     Azilee              41        TN     211A
Patterson     Barber              1 6/12    TN     182A
Patterson     Bennie              5         TN     212A
Patterson     Berry J.            70        TN     187A
Patterson     Byron G.            1         TN     210A
Patterson     Catheline           10        TN     195A
Patterson     Christine           10        TN     195A
Patterson     Cleveland           25        TN     186A
Patterson     Clyde               6         TN     211A
Patterson     Codie               10/12     TN     176A
Patterson     Donie               27        TN     176A
Patterson     Duncan              26        TN     182A
Patterson     Eaves? W.           50        TN     175A
Patterson     Edgar               22        TN     186A
Patterson     Effie               32        TN     210A
Patterson     Elbert              4         TN     182A
Patterson     Elsie               35        TN     195A
Patterson     Ernest              8         TN     212A
Patterson     Ewell               11        TN     210A
Patterson     Fraizer             6         TN     195A
Patterson     Freddie L.          8         TN     210A
Patterson     George O.           8         TN     195A
Patterson     Gracie              6         TN     186A
Patterson     Inez                21        TN     182A
Patterson     Jesse L.            4         TN     210A
Patterson     Joe L.              51        TN     186A
Patterson     Joeann              47        TN     186A
Patterson     Johnnie N.          10        TN     176A
Patterson     Kench C.            60        TN     187A
Patterson     Lemmie              10        TN     211A
Patterson     Lillie B.           13        TN     176A
Patterson     Lillie M.           1         TN     195A
Patterson     Lonnie              16        TN     182A
Patterson     Louis               36        TN     195A
Patterson     Malden              6         TN     210A
Patterson     Marshal             4         TN     193B
Patterson     Mary                2         TN     193B
Patterson     Mary A.             31        TN     193B
Patterson     Monroe              41        TN     176A
Patterson     Nola                16        TN     186A
Patterson     Oather              18        TN     186A
Patterson     Ocie A.             15        TN     176A
Patterson     Oleroscer           4         TN     195A
Patterson     Oscar               28        TN     176A
Patterson     Owen                5         TN     210A
Patterson     Plead K.            32        TN     210A
Patterson     Plead R.            9/12      TN     210A
Patterson     Ruby                8         TN     210A
Patterson     Saidee              68        TN     187A
Patterson     Sarah               12        TN     195A
Patterson     Thomas              20        TN     227B
Patterson     Victoria E.         57        TN     210A
Patterson     Virgie L.           17        TN     176A
Patterson     W. Newton           45        TN     210B
Patterson     Walter W.           35        TN     193B
Patterson     William F.          30        TN     210A
Patterson     Willie              9         TN     193B
Patterson     Willie              14        TN     195A
Patterson     Zan E.              72        TN     187A
Patton        Allson C.           52        NC     183A
Patton        Allson C. Jr.       14        TN     183A
Patton        Benched W.          12/12     TN     183A
Patton        Bennie C.           9         TN     183A
Patton        Marion L.           12        TN     183A
Patton        Mary C.             6         TN     183A
Patton        Mary L.             33        TN     183A
Patton        Russell H.          15        TN     183A
Payne         Adena               21        TN     142B
Payne         Armilla             10        TN     236A
Payne         Ashley              51        TN     236A
Payne         Avery               19        TN     222A
Payne         Avery               19        TN     236A
Payne         Dora                16        TN     234A
Payne         Eddie               12        TN     143B
Payne         Emma                27        TN     144B
Payne         Esther              19        TN     239B
Payne         Fannie              11        TN     220A
Payne         Frances             2         TN     236A
Payne         Garfield            28        TN     144B
Payne         Hallie              15        TN     239B
Payne         Hattie              24        TN     219B
Payne         Lee                 47        TN     239B
Payne         Leona               16        TN     239B
Payne         Lorena              9         TN     80A
Payne         Lula                6/12      TN     142B
Payne         Mary                31        TN     239B
Payne         Minnie              11/12     TN     234A
Payne         Ophia               20        TN     236A
Payne         Pony                33        TN     142B
Payne         Seaman              5         TN     239B
Payne         Thomas              9         TN     236A
Payne         Victoria            1         TN     239B
Payne         William I.          4         TN     142B
Peacock       Earby               12        TN     10A 
Peacock       Helen               41        TN     10A 
Peacock       Ida                 18        TN     10A 
Peacock       Jodie               3         TN     10A 
Peacock       Maggie              6         TN     10A 
Peacock       Ollie               9         TN     10A 
Peacock       Rosa                15        TN     10A 
Peacock       William             45        TN     10A 
Peal          Albert G.           28        TN     97A
Peal          Almeda              40        TN     71A
Peal          Annie E.            18        TN     71A
Peal          Aubey               3         TN     100A 
Peal          Auburn H.           4         TN     71A
Peal          Authur              28        TN     100A 
Peal          Bassle              1 4/12    TN     56A
Peal          Connie              2         TN     56A
Peal          Grover              24        TN     134B
Peal          Homer               19        TN     56B
Peal          Ira                 23        TN     100A 
Peal          J. C.               5         TN     56A
Peal          John                21        TN     93B
Peal          John F.             51        TN     71A
Peal          Josie               23        TN     56A
Peal          Kern S.             27        TN     56A
Peal          Lela                27        TN     97A
Peal          Lula                24        TN     56B
Peal          Luviner             27        TN     100A 
Peal          Maggie              55        TN     74A
Peal          Mary                55        TN     93B
Peal          Raymond             6         TN     100A 
Peal          Ruby                16        TN     93B
Peal          William L.          28        TN     78B
Pearce        Alten               3         TN     20A
Pearce        Don                 33        TN     20A
Pearce        Ina                 10        TN     20A
Pearce        Rosa                27        TN     20A
Pearcy        Addie               35        TN     228B
Pearcy        Al L.               58        TN     179A
Pearcy        Alberta             10        TN     179A
Pearcy        Annie               12        TN     228B
Pearcy        Arpie               31        TN     176A
Pearcy        Earnest             4         TN     228B
Pearcy        Evie                9         TN     228B
Pearcy        James C.            44        TN     228B
Pearcy        Martha              27        TN     179A
Pearcy        Miles               15        TN     228B
Pearcy        Odie A.             13        TN     179A
Pearcy        Sadie               2         TN     228B
Pearcy        William R           31        TN     176A
Pearson       Alonza              15        TN     11A
Pearson       Bennie              13        TN     11A
Pearson       Blanche M.          2         TN     168B
Pearson       Byrdie              17        TN     193B
Pearson       Dara*               10        TN     11A
Pearson       Edna                7/12      TN     229A
Pearson       Emma C.             57        TN     171B
Pearson       Ethel               32        TN     168B
Pearson       Eugene              13        TN     193B
Pearson       Frank               20        TN     193B
Pearson       Fred H.             4         TN     168B
Pearson       George              22        TN     229A
Pearson       Gladys              12        TN     178A
Pearson       Henry               34        TN     168B
Pearson       Hester              2         TN     229A
Pearson       Howard              4         TN     223B
Pearson       Hue C.              7         TN     178A
Pearson       Hugh H.             8         TN     168B
Pearson       Jacob               28        TN     188A
Pearson       James               11        TN     193B
Pearson       Josie               6         TN     11A
Pearson       Lizzie              24        TN     171A
Pearson       Lou Verner          16        TN     193B
Pearson       Loula               14        TN     193B
Pearson       Lucy                21        TN     229A
Pearson       Lutie               46        TN     11A
Pearson       Ola                 36        TN     178A
Pearson       Oscar               30        TN     171A
Pearson       Ranald              55        TN     193B
Pearson       Robert              18        TN     11A
Pearson       Thomas C.           54        TN     11A
Pearson       Vina                40        TN     193B
Pearson       Viola               19        TN     193B
Pearson       Will H.             53        TN     178A
Pearson       Will M.             27        TN     178A
Pendergrass   Cordelia            14        TN     35A
Pendergrass   Francis             1         TN     35A
Pendergrass   Joe W.              46        TN     35A
Pendergrass   John H.             13        TN     35A
Pendergrass   Marthey R.          18        TN     35A
Pendergrass   Mary                16        TN     35A
Pendergrass   Mitchel N.          21        TN     35A
Pendergrass   Touler L.           16        TN     35A
Pennington    A. H.               38        TN     234B
Pennington    Ben                 50        TN     234B
Perkins       Allie               26        TN     72B
Perkins       Carl                27        TN     72B
Perkins       Gertrude            10        TN     72B
Permater      Andrew              34        TN     105A
Permater      Rebecca             74        NC     105A
Permenter     Clarence            3         TN     94B
Permenter     Elma                35        TN     94B
Permenter     Elma                18        TN     94B
Permenter     Eugene              26        TN     227B
Permenter     Fay                 1         TN     227B
Permenter     Flossie             12        TN     9B
Permenter     Forrest             6         TN     94B
Permenter     George              18        TN     190B
Permenter     Gladys              8         TN     94B
Permenter     Hardy               30        TN     14B
Permenter     Hazel               9         TN     14B
Permenter     Henry C.            42        TN     94B
Permenter     James               38        TN     9B
Permenter     James B.            51        TN     14A
Permenter     James Neal          5         TN     9B
Permenter     Jarmie              10        TN     9B
Permenter     Josiphiane          65        TN     190B
Permenter     Laura               26        TN     14B
Permenter     Lonie               30        TN     9B
Permenter     Martha              23        TN     227B
Permenter     Mattie Lue          8         TN     9B
Permenter     Myrl H.             10/12     TN     94B
Permenter     Opal                7/12      TN     9B
Permenter     Priest P.           52        TN     190B
Permenter     Ruby                4         TN     9B
Permenter     Ruffin              13        TN     94B
Permenter     Ruth                15        TN     94B
Permenter     Sallie A.           58        TN     14B
Permenter     Sanford             4         TN     227B
Permenter     Sidney              36        TN     14B
Permenter     Willy               11        TN     94B
Perry         Ada A.              1         TN     86A
Perry         Addie L.            27        TN     37A
Perry         Allie               21        TN     201A
Perry         Allie               16        TN     4A
Perry         Alma                31        TN     58A
Perry         Almon W.            2         TN     86A
Perry         Annie               54        TN     58A
Perry         Annie E.            4/12      TN     58A
Perry         B. C.               6         TN     119B
Perry         Barham              24        TN     218A
Perry         Basil               1         TN     98A
Perry         Ben H.              25        TN     119B
Perry         Ben                 20        TN     98A
Perry         Bessie              15        TN     119B
Perry         Billie J.           7/12      TN     86A
Perry         Blanchie            2         TN     12A
Perry         Brownie             11        AL     201A
Perry         Callie              8         TN     98A
Perry         Carmie              3         TN     119B
Perry         Chester             5         TN     169A
Perry         Chester A.          26        TN     86A
Perry         Clarence            9         TN     119A
Perry         Clark               13        TN     119B
Perry         Cleo B.             59        GA     201A
Perry         Currine             6         TN     122B
Perry         David               9/12      TN     90A
Perry         Dennis              3         TN     90A
Perry         Douglas B.          7         TN     4A
Perry         Earl                10        TN     207A
Perry         Earnest W.          2         TN     119A
Perry         Ed L.               5         TN     90A
Perry         Elia A.             38        TN     141A
Perry         Eliot               8         TN     119B
Perry         Eliza               36        TN     90A
Perry         Ellen               23        TN     58A
Perry         Elvra               10        TN     169A
Perry         Emma                35        TN     12A
Perry         Emma                28        TN     169A
Perry         Emma E.             30        TN     70B
Perry         Ernest              11        TN     12A
Perry         Ernest              8         TN     207A
Perry         Ethel               18        TN     136B
Perry         Ethel               28        TN     201A
Perry         Eugine              23        TN     201A
Perry         Fannie C.           24        TN     86A
Perry         Floy M.             1         TN     141A
Perry         Francis M.          56        TN     119A
Perry         Garfield            7         TN     12A
Perry         Georgia             12        TN     58A
Perry         Gladis              15        TN     98A
Perry         Guy C.              37        TN     141A
Perry         Hallie              16        TN     4A
Perry         Hattie M.           21        TN     119A
Perry         Henry               26        TN     169A
Perry         Herbert             17        TN     4A
Perry         Hester              3         TN     201A
Perry         Ida                 38        TN     119A
Perry         Inls G. *           2         TN     119A
Perry         Irvier M.           8         TN     119A
Perry         Jack                14        TN     4A
Perry         James               6         TN     98A
Perry         James A.            6         TN     70B
Perry         James C.            8         TN     71A
Perry         James H.            76        NC     98A
Perry         James L.            32        TN     71A
Perry         James W.            26        TN     201A
Perry         James W.            42        TN     98A
Perry         Jennie              50        TN     78A
Perry         Joe E.              7/12      TN     37A
Perry         John A.             57        TN     86A
Perry         John A.             60        TN     58A
Perry         John Etta           66        TN     122B
Perry         John H.             44        TN     4A
Perry         Jorden L.           84        NC     86A
Perry         Joseph S.           56        TN     71A
Perry         Kathrine E.         31        TN     58A
Perry         Lee                 18        TN     207A
Perry         Leroy T.            4         TN     86A
Perry         Lillian I.          7         TN     141A
Perry         Lizzie M.           0/12      TN     70B
Perry         Loyd                9         TN     58A
Perry         Lucile              10        TN     98A
Perry         Lula V.             40        TN     98A
Perry         Lutie               5         TN     12A
Perry         Malcom R.           6         TN     119A
Perry         Margaret E.         1         TN     4A
Perry         Marry H.            25        TN     119B
Perry         Mary                47        AL     201A
Perry         Mary                20        TN     4A
Perry         Maud F.             37        TN     71A
Perry         McDaniel            5         TX     201A
Perry         Mettie E.           43        TN     4A
Perry         Mildred             15        TN     58A
Perry         Milton              38        TN     12A
Perry         Nannie F.           6         TN     71A
Perry         Nelson H.           17        TN     119B
Perry         Nettie              17        AL     201A
Perry         Noah                21        TN     58A
Perry         Noel                10        TN     4A
Perry         Nora                7         TN     90A
Perry         Norah               20        TN     218A
Perry         Oliver D.           5         TN     58A
Perry         Pearlie             22        TN     169A
Perry         Polly               9         TN     12A
Perry         R. L. Mrs.          55        TN     119B
Perry         Robert              4         TN     4A
Perry         Robert J.           26        TN     119A
Perry         Robert L.           2         TN     71A
Perry         Rosa                51        TN     86A
Perry         Ruth                4         TN     4A
Perry         Ruth R.             5         TN     37A
Perry         Sam                 30        TN     90A
Perry         Sarah J.            46        AL     134B
Perry         Susie               28        TN     58A
Perry         Tela                60        TN     201A
Perry         Thomas B.           10        TN     70B
Perry         Thomas G.           45        TN     207A
Perry         Thomas T.           4         TN     119A
Perry         Tolly E.            18        TN     136B
Perry         Vandalia            22        TN     207A
Perry         Walter E.           22        TN     78A
Perry         William B.          59        TN     134B
Perry         William G.          63        TN     201A
Perry         William J.          33        TN     70B
Perry         Willie              10        AL     201A
Perry         Willie S.           19        TN     201A
Pettey        Mary                24        TN     168A
Pettigrew     Robert              70        AL     172B
Pettigrew     Sarah E.            70        TN     172B
Petty         Allie               33        TN     237A
Petty         Cora L.             20        TN     199B
Petty         Doc James           3         TN     215B
Petty         Estes               15        TN     232B
Petty         Flossy              7         TN     232B
Petty         G.A.                5         TN     237A
Petty         Horace              15        TN     214B
Petty         James               40        TN     215B
Petty         Jessie I.           6         TN     215B
Petty         Joe                 50        GA     178A
Petty         Jonah*              25        TN     199B
Petty         Kate                27        TN     215B
Petty         Laura May           19        TN     214B
Petty         Maggie              32        TN     237A
Petty         Mamie               7         TN     237A
Petty         Mark                60        AL     214B
Petty         Martha              60        TN     214B
Petty         Ruby                12        TN     237A
Petty         Ruth                17        TN     96B
Petty         Sallie A.           56        TN     96B
Petty         Tom                 30        TN     215B
Petty         Walter              2         TN     237A
Petty         Willie B.           10        TN     215B
Phelps        Arthur Lee          13        TN     13A
Phelps        Benton              16        TN     13A
Phelps        Sherwood D.         45        TN     13A
Phelps        Willie              52        TN     13A
Phelps        Wilvert? D.         17        TN     13A
Philip        Ed                  24        TN     139A
Philip        Metra               16        TN     139A
Philips       Alf                 4         TN     141B
Philips       Alx.                35        TN     141B
Philips       Joseph A.           40        AR     118B
Philips       Lizzie              14        TN     141B
Philips       Lucy                36        TN     141B
Philips       Naomi F.            23        AR     118B
Philips       Paul G.             3         AR     118B
Philips       Tom                 11        TN     141B
Philips       Vivian F.           2         AR     118B
Phillips      Albert              5/12      TN     87B
Phillips      Belle               35        TN     135A
Phillips      Bennie              15        TN     135A
Phillips      Berthenia           2         TN     235A
Phillips      Clara               25        TN     87B
Phillips      Ema                 46        TN     87B
Phillips      Helen L.            3/12      TN     235A
Phillips      James               20        TN     87B
Phillips      Jesse               8         TN     135A
Phillips      John S.             28        TN     79B
Phillips      L. H.               25        TN     235A
Phillips      Lee                 13        TN     135A
Phillips      Lee                 25        TN     94A
Phillips      Leona               20        TN     235A
Phillips      Lige                53        TN     87B
Phillips      Mary J.             16        TN     135A
Phillips      Noah                11        TN     135A
Phillips      Velmar K.           25        AL     79B
Phillips      William             36        TN     135A
Phillips      William             25        TN     79B
Phillips      William C.          2         TN     79B
Pickens       Alton               1         TN     204A
Pickens       Edd L.              26        TN     204A
Pickens       Herman              5         TN     204A
Pickens       Oma                 3         TN     204A
Pickens       Venia               23        TN     204A
Picketts      Hallton             19        TN     136B
Pickless      Mandy V.            26        TN     112A
Pierce        Mattie E.           38        TN     4B
Pierce        Neely               15        TN     208A
Piercy        Fred                4         TN     181A
Piercy        Jimmie              28        TN     181A
Piercy        Joe                 34        TN     181A
Piercy        Leonard             4/12      TN     181A
Piercy        Mary L.             2         TN     181A
Pig           Hattie F.           15        TN     147A
Pig           Nannie* B.          21        TN     147A
Piggee        Geo. W.             50        TN     218A
Piggee        Mary                31        TN     218A
Pigue         Burnie* S.          19        TN     20A
Pigue         Florence            20        TN     226A
Pigue         Harry               15        TN     20A
Pigue         Herman              22        TN     14A
Pigue         Lillie              3         TN     14A
Pigue         Lillie B.           44        TN     20A
Pigue         Louise              4         TN     20A
Pigue         Mary                22        TN     14A
Pigue         Mary D.             4         TN     226A
Pigue         Nelson              17        TN     20A
Pigue         Ossie               8         TN     20A
Pigue         Paul W.             4/12      TN     226B
Pigue         Robert              53        TN     20A
Pigue         Robert              24        TN     226A
Piland        Lillie              12        TN     46A
Pinkston      Albert              21        AR     21A
Pinkston      Carlos              21        AR     18A
Pinkston      Eddie               2         TN     216B
Pinkston      Ernest              15        AR     18A
Pinkston      Harrison            45        TN     18A
Pinkston      Harwell             11        TN     18A
Pinkston      Lurline             4         TN     18A
Pinkston      Margaret            56        TN     16A
Pinkston      Mary                13        AR     18A
Pinkston      Milton              27        TN     216B
Pinkston      Myrtle              18        AR     18A
Pinkston      Rufo (Jodie I.)*    4         TN     216B
Pinkston      Sudie M.            23        TN     216B
Pinkston      Vannie L.           46        TN     18A
Pinkston      Virgil              20        AR     18A
Pinkston      Wesley              16        AR     16A
Pinkston      William             58        TN     16A
Pipkin        Bettie              50        TN     80A
Pipkin        Earnest             26        TN     225A
Pipkin        Eva                 25        TN     225A
Pipkin        Irene               4         TN     225A
Pipkin        Muree               6         TN     225A
Pipkin        Victor              7         TN     225A
Pipkins       Charley             8         TN     33B
Pipkins       Ester R.            5         TN     33B
Pipkins       Jim                 50        TN     33B
Pipkins       John                28        TN     57B
Pitman        Mary E.             59        TN     192A
Pitmon        Allie J.            12        TN     40A
Pitmon        Ellin A.            43        TN     40A
Pitmon        Henly L.            18        TN     40A
Pitmon        James               48        TN     40A
Pitmon        James A.            21        TN     40A
Pitmon        John S.             15        TN     40A
Pitmon        Willie J.           8         TN     40A
Pitner        Effie               28        TN     234A
Pitner        Eliza               60        TN     234A
Pitner        G. R.               28        TN     234A
Pitner        Gracie              5         TN     234A
Pitner        L.B.                24        TN     234A
Pitner        Lena                16        TN     234A
Pitner        Otho                22        TN     234A
Pitner        R. M.               63        MS     234A
Pitner        Thelma              1         TN     234A
Pittman       Harden P.           33        TN     147A
Pittman       Helen               57        TN     183A
Pittman       Ivie P.             31        TN     147A
Pittman       John H.             67        TN     183A
Pittman       V.* C.              6         TN     147A
Pitts         Auther              4         AR     120B
Pitts         Callie              33        MS     120B
Pitts         Daisy               10        AR     120B
Pitts         Murl                6         TN     120B
Pitts         William H.          37        AL     120B
Pogue         G.W.                60        SC     232A
Pool          Albert              20        MS     198A
Pool          Alberter            3/12      TN     198A
Pool          Ardelia             34        TN     77B
Pool          Chester A.          7         TN     77B
Pool          Clursy              17        TN     198A
Pool          David E.            13        TN     77B
Pool          Derastus W.         37        TN     49A
Pool          Jodie A.            10        TN     77B
Pool          John M.             1         TN     77B
Pool          John W.             50        TN     77B
Pool          Mary M.             40        NC     49A
Pool          Nancy L.            4         TN     77B
Pool          Ruby A.             15        TN     77B
Poor          Clemont             25        AL     222B
Poor          Lula                25        TN     222B
Porter        Addie               38        TN     187B
Porter        Admira              2         TN     187A
Porter        Alice               30        TN     5A
Porter        Anna                9         TN     229A
Porter        Arstelle            3         TN     193A
Porter        Bettie              26        TN     195A
Porter        Carmel C.           5         TN     14A
Porter        Charley O.          35        TN     187A
Porter        Charlie             5         TN     210A
Porter        Cora                26        TN     187A
Porter        Dee O               15        TN     193A
Porter        Dick                46        TN     229A
Porter        Dovie               9         TN     5A
Porter        Elmer               27        TN     195A
Porter        Elonzo              14        TN     187B
Porter        Emma                45        TN     193A
Porter        Erbie               6         TN     187B
Porter        Ernist              10        TN     187B
Porter        Ettie               4         TN     195A
Porter        Evelyn              5         TN     215A
Porter        Florence            1/12      TN     187B
Porter        Francis M.          52        TN     47A
Porter        George              22        TN     192A
Porter        Gerald              11/12     TN     187A
Porter        Helen               38        TN     229A
Porter        Hermon              8         TN     187B
Porter        Ida                 2         TN     195A
Porter        Ira                 32        TN     187A
Porter        J. C.               19        TN     193A
Porter        James               4/12      TN     195A
Porter        James D.            47        TN     215A
Porter        James W.            62        TN     187A
Porter        James W.            20        TN     210A
Porter        John D.             11        TX     210A
Porter        Johnson             56        TN     201B
Porter        Julia               76        TN     193A
Porter        Lela                16        TN     187B
Porter        Letress A.          6         TX     47A
Porter        Liddie              13        TX     210A
Porter        Lodric              40        TN     187B
Porter        Loula               21        TN     193A
Porter        Lousie              4         TN     187B
Porter        Lucy C.             45        TN     210A
Porter        Marshal             4         TN     187A
Porter        Maud                27        TN     14A
Porter        Mike                7         TN     229A
Porter        Minnie              12        TN     187B
Porter        Nelson              2         TN     210A
Porter        Noma E.             23        MO     47A
Porter        Nora                37        TN     215A
Porter        Olive Lucile        10/12     TN     14A
Porter        Orlando             7         TN     5A
Porter        Porter              12        TN     187A
Porter        Raleigh             6         TN     187A
Porter        Ruffin              16        TN     210A
Porter        Seaola              18        TN     187A
Porter        Stephen A.          50        TN     210A
Porter        Sybil               1         TN     215A
Porter        Sylvista            2         TN     187B
Porter        Tom                 26        TN     14A
Porter        Vallie              12        TN     5A
Porter        Violet              9         TX     210A
Porter        William J.          38        TN     5A
Poston        Carl R.             12        TN     28A
Poston        Charles H.          40        TN     73A
Poston        Corddie             48        TN     29A
Poston        Edwin H.            18        TN     78A
Poston        Herbert R.          17        TN     80B
Poston        Jarvis              51        TN     29A
Poston        John L.             6         TN     78A
Poston        John W.             59        TN     80B
Poston        Leslie F.           14        TN     78A
Poston        Liza J.             27        TN     28A
Poston        Lulu M.             33        TN     73A
Poston        Mary A.             2         TN     28A
Poston        Mary B.             16        TN     78A
Poston        Mary E.             44        TN     78A
Poston        Nancy J.            56        TN     80B
Poston        Nelson W.           10        TN     78A
Poston        Orin A.             3         TN     78A
Poston        Richard F.          47        TN     78A
Poston        Walter F.           26        TN     80B
Poston        William C.          15        TN     28A
Poston        William F.          60        TN     11A
Poston        William J.          39        TN     28A
Poton         Clyde L.            17        TN     96A
Poton         Dora                37        TN     96A
Poton         Wayne T.            15        TN     96A
Poton         Wyse                13        TN     96A
Potts         Edward              22        TN     234B
Potts         Ellison             12        TN     234B
Potts         J. L.               58        TN     234B
Potts         M. E.               44        TN     234B
Pounds        James               27        TN     67A
Pounds        Ocil                2         TN     67A
Pounds        Zona                28        TN     67A
Powell        Amanda              30        TN     147A
Powell        Annie C.            3         TN     28A
Powell        Arthur              11        TN     147A
Powell        Athol               25        TN     102B
Powell        Carrie              16        TN     73A
Powell        Clabe B.            49        TN     79B
Powell        Claude              32        TN     102B
Powell        Dave A.             68        TN     102B
Powell        Dave A.             28        TN     102B
Powell        Ed                  33        TN     106B
Powell        Edgar               13        TN     147A
Powell        Edna                15        TN     114A
Powell        Edna B.             26        TN     120A
Powell        Emerline            55        TN*    114A
Powell        I. M.               52        TN     234B
Powell        James D.            11        TN     28A
Powell        Jessie              21        TN     114A
Powell        Joe D.              9         TN     28A
Powell        John E.             7         TN     28A
Powell        John H.             7         TN     97A
Powell        John J.             2         TN     120A
Powell        John L.             35        TN     120A
Powell        Laura               50        TN     80A
Powell        Leland C.           6         TN     120A
Powell        Leorlie             4         TN     147A
Powell        Lizzie F.           2         TN     147A
Powell        Lorine              3         TN     106B
Powell        Lula                25        TN     106B
Powell        Maggie R.           34        TN     97A
Powell        Mandy N.            35        TN     74A
Powell        Margret A.          31        TN     28A
Powell        Mary                9         TN     147A
Powell        Mary                23        TN     74A
Powell        Mary J.             70        TN     102B
Powell        May E.              8/12      TN     106B
Powell        Que T.              17        TN     74A
Powell        Roswell             8         TN     120A
Powell        Thadus              39        TN     147A
Powell        Thomas G.           50        TN     74A
Powell        Tom M.              36        TN     97A
Pratt         Dora                14        TN     96A
Pratt         Everett             19        TN     94B
Pratt         James M.            13        TN     96A
Pratt         Martha              45        IL     96A
Pratt         Tom                 15        TN     94B
Pratt         William             20        TN     96A
Prentiss      Birt                21        TX     222B
Prentiss      Brice               17        TN     222B
Prentiss      Mattie              59        TN     222B
Prentiss      Tom                 23        TX     222B
Prescott      Allie E.            37        TN     77B
Prescott      Almer B.            8/12      TN     30A
Prescott      Edgar L.            36        TN     77B
Prescott      Evelyn H.           4         TN     237A
Prescott      Homer               18        TN     222A
Prescott      James W.            3/12      TN     237A
Prescott      Jane                70        TN     30A
Prescott      Jennie              10        TN     30A
Prescott      John                79        TN     30B
Prescott      Levi                30        TN     237A
Prescott      Lois O.             2         TN     77B
Prescott      Loue N.             18        TN     30A
Prescott      Ludelia             3         TN     30A
Prescott      Mary J.             77        TN     30B
Prescott      Matilda             24        TN     237A
Prescott      Otho L.             23        TN     30A
Prescott      Rachel O.           34        TN     143A
Prescott      William             76        TN     30A
Prescott      Zana H.             15        TN     143A
Pretly        Fannie              41        TN     199A
Pretly        Ivy                 5         TN     199A
Pretly        James E.            12        TN     199A
Pretly        Martha C.           1         TN     199A
Pretly        William E.          5         TN     199A
Pretly        William H.          40        TN     199A
Price         Abe                 12        TN     197A
Price         Carmie              44        TN     132A
Price         Emma                58        TN     108A
Price         Emma                100       GA     197A
Price         Enic                9         TN     197A
Price         Hassel              19        TN     102A
Price         Hassell             17        TN     132A
Price         Ivy                 12        TN     132A
Price         Jinnie              41        TN     197A
Price         Nannie W.           44        TN     132A
Price         Thomas              63        TN     197A
Price         Tom L.              15        TN     197A
Price         Walter              18        TN     197A
Price         William             15        TN     132A
Prichard      Herman              5         TN     105A
Prichard      Odis                8         TN     105A
Prichard      Paul                5/12      TN     105A
Prichard      Wesley              30        TN     105A
Prichard      Willie              28        TN     105A
Privett       Alford              36        TN     35B
Privett       Algie L.            6         TN     141B
Privett       Allis               52        TN     105A
Privett       Anneluis            32        TN     141B
Privett       Annie               16        TN     33A
Privett       Arthur              22        TN     33A
Privett       Authur              20        TN     98B
Privett       Beatrice            1 1/12    TN     57A
Privett       Belle               29        TN     35B
Privett       Belle               31        TN     102B
Privett       Benjamon L.         15        TN     33B
Privett       Bennet              52        TN     33B
Privett       Berthie             7         TN     33A
Privett       Bessie              10        TN     98B
Privett       Bettie              27        TN     33A
Privett       Brooksie            17        TN     33A
Privett       Calvin              20        TN     80B
Privett       Carie               16        TN     35B
Privett       Carrie O.           12        TN     35B
Privett       Clarence            12        TN     33A
Privett       Clarence            14        TN     98B
Privett       Claud B.            1         TN     33A
Privett       Curtis              9         TN     33A
Privett       Danny               17        TN     105A
Privett       David D.            9         TN     141B
Privett       Dora B.             10        TN     33B
Privett       Edgar               22        TN     105A
Privett       Emily E.            20        TN     98B
Privett       Flora               21        TN     80B
Privett       Florence            18        TN     105A
Privett       Francis             7         TN     57A
Privett       Frank               5         TN     102B
Privett       Fred                7         TN     102B
Privett       Hays W.             52        TN     98B
Privett       Henry Jr.           4/12      TN     33A
Privett       Henry N.            44        TN     33A
Privett       Hester              2         TN     33A
Privett       Hubert T.           3         TN     33A
Privett       Ida                 19        TN     33A
Privett       J. C.               2         TN     102B
Privett       James H.            19        TN     33B
Privett       Jeff                16        TN     98B
Privett       Jennie R.           18        TN     33A
Privett       Jessie C.           1 2/12    TN     141B
Privett       Joe                 11        TN     57A
Privett       Joe F.              53        TN     57A
Privett       John H              35        TN     141B
Privett       John W.             44        TN     33A
Privett       Kate                47        TN     98B
Privett       Katie L.            14        TN     57A
Privett       Kattie              6/12      TN     105A
Privett       Levi                3         TN     102B
Privett       Lona F.             16        TN     22A
Privett       Lonnie              12        TN     105A
Privett       Lula                25        TN     57A
Privett       Lular B.            3/12      TN     35B
Privett       Maggie              5         TN     33A
Privett       Mary                46        TN     57A
Privett       Miles               26        TN     105A
Privett       Nannie              48        TN     33A
Privett       Nannie E.           44        TN     33B
Privett       Neamon              13        TN     33A
Privett       Oba W.              1         TN     80B
Privett       Osker H.            21        MO     33A
Privett       Pearl               10        TN     105A
Privett       Robert N.           22        TN     22A
Privett       Rossie              15        TN     33A
Privett       Ruby M.             6         TN     33A
Privett       Sallie              28        TN     105A
Privett       Sallie              43        TN     33A
Privett       Samuel              56        TN     105A
Privett       Sedalla             6         TN     105A
Privett       Silila              17        TN     33B
Privett       Silvie A.           50        TN     35A
Privett       Tomie               8         TN     33A
Privett       Tommie              19        TN     57A
Privett       Turner              32        TN     102B
Privett       Unis                9         TN     35B
Privett       Vallie              15        TN     105A
Privett       Virlar              11        TN     33A
Privett       Will                30        TN     57A
Privett       William             23        TN     35B
Privett       William E.          7         TN     35B
Privett       William T.          41        TN     33A
Proctor       Amy                 34        MS     200B
Proctor       Edna                14        TN     235B
Proctor       James P.            47        NC     144B
Proctor       Jane                78        NC     235B
Proctor       Jesse               15        TN     200B
Proctor       Joel                16        TN     235B
Proctor       Lelar               37        TN     235B
Proctor       Mabel               2         TN     235B
Proctor       Millie L.           42        TN     144B
Proctor       Nolie               7         TN     235B
Proctor       Stylon              4         TN     235B
Proctor       Stylon D.           43        NC     235B
Proctor       William M.          54        AL     200B
Puckett       Harvie A.           1         TN     26A
Puckett       James               41        MS     26A
Puckett       James L.            3         TN     26A
Puckett       John M.             75*       TN     26A
Puckett       John N.             5         TN     26A
Puckett       Lillie M.           8         TN     26A
Puckett       Loue A.             33        TN     26A
Puckett       Mary S.             10        TN     26A
Pullom        David C.            14        TN     60A
Pullom        John I.             18        TN     60A
Pullom        Liza                48        TN     60A
Pullom        Mart                52        TN     60A
Pullom        Rosevelt            7         TN     60A
Pullom        Willie V.           16        TN     60A
Purtle        Ada                 40        TN     230B
Purtle        Allena              10        TN     91A
Purtle        Annie               16        TN     91A
Purtle        Brown               8         TN     91A
Purtle        Cecil               3         TN     230B
Purtle        Easter              5         TN     91A
Purtle        Harvy               12        TN     91A
Purtle        Loulera             3         TN     91A
Purtle        Lula                43        TN     91A
Purtle        Luthur              14        TN     91A
Purtle        Mattie              25        TN     91A
Purtle        Paten               51        TN     91A
Purtle        Thomas              1         TN     230B
Purtle        Thomas J.           45        TN     230B
Purtle        Weda                5         TN     230B

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© Natalie Huntley - 2001-2007

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