1870 Census
Dyer Co., Gibson Co., Haywood Co., & Madison Co.

The below alphabetical index files are linked to the census files.
Just click on the page number after the name, and it will take you directly to the page that the person is located on.

Alphabetical Index

A     B     C     D     E     F     G     H     I - J     K     L     M     N - O     P - Q     R     S     T - V     W     Y

                              Dyer Co.                               Gibson Co.
Dyer Co. Dist. 1 became Crockett Co. Dist. 11 Gibson Co. Dist. 4 became Crockett Co. Dist. 7
Dyer Co. Dist. 2 became Crockett Co. Dist. 12 Gibson Co. Dist. 16 became Crockett Co. Dist. 4
Dyer Co. Dist. 3 became Crockett Co. Dist. 13 Gibson Co. Dist. 20 became Crockett Co. Dist. 9
Dyer Co. Dist. 14 became Crockett Co. Dist. 12  
                         Haywood Co.                               Madison Co.
Haywood Co. Dist. 11 became Crockett Co. Dist. 5 Madison Co. Dist. 9 became Crockett Co. Dist. 1
Haywood Co. Dist. 12 became Crockett Co. Dist. 8 Madison Co. Dist. 18 became Crockett Co. Dist. 2 & 3
Haywood Co. Dist. 13 became Crockett Co. Dist. 6  
Haywood Co. Dist. 14 became Crockett Co. Dist. 10          

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© Natalie Huntley - 2001 - 2005

Last updated