In the name of God Amen. I Nathan Williams of the County of Carroll and
State of Tennessee being weak in body but of sound mind and memory and
considering the uncertainty of this frail and transitory life do therefore make
ordain publish & declair this to be my last will and testament (viz)
First First after all my lawful debts are paid and discharged the residue
of my Estate real and personal I give bequeath and dispose of as follows:
1. I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Nancy Williams my sorrell horse
paddy with her saddle and bridle and one cow and yearling all my household and
kitchen furniture and in leew of her dower in my little tract of Land which is
under lease for five years I give to the said Nancy Williams one hundred Dollars
together with her years provision.
2. Whereas my tract of land lying on Big Bird Song containing about
one hundred and fifty Acres more or less is now under lease and cannot be sold
untill the ezpiration of said lease I therefore order and direct the said land
to be sold at the end of the lease and the money disposed of as hereinafter
4th I give and devise to my son Allen W. Williams the sum of one hundred
Dollars out of the proceds of my landed Estate when sold to him his heirs and
assigns which constitutes his portion of my Estate.
5th I give and devise to my youngest daughter Nancy Read wife of Robert
Read the sum of one hundred Dollars out of the proceeds of my Estate when all
sold the same to her her heirs and assigns the same to be her sole share of my
6th I give and devise to my daughter Elizabeth Delban one hundred Dollars
out of the proceeds of my Estate when wound up taking therefrom twenty Six
Dollars & forty five cents heretofore advanced also a forty Dollar debt with
cost and interest which I am security for to one James Harris the balance to her
her heirs which shall constitute her portion of my estate when all is settled up
the said forty Dollar debt is secured for John Delban the husband of said
Elizabeth Delban.
7th In consequence of the ill treatment of my daughter Polly Smith and her
husband Hiram Smith toward her mother and also toward me in my advanced age both
of them not treating us as father & Mother I am bound to exclude them from a
share of my Estate I only leave the said sum of one Dollar and my prayers and
them both that they may refrain from their former conduct this their portion of
my Estate.
8th In consequence of the contemplated conduct and treatment of my two
sons Nathan N. Williams and Benjam J. Williams not exercising that filial
affection that was due myself and their mother I hereby exclude them shareing in
my Estate I leave the small pittance of one dollar each hoping when they reflect
on the treatment given us they will repent.
9th. I give and bequeath to my two grand Daughters Isabella Williams &
Mary Williams Daghters of my son John T. Williams the some of fifteen Dollars
each two of the living heirs of the said John T. Decd. this is their
portion of my Estate when wound up.
10th I give and bequeath and devise all the residue and remainder of my
Estate to my beloved son James K. Williams to him his heirs and assigns in
consequence of his having been ever kind and affectionate towards me and his
11th I constitute and appoint my son James K. Williams my sole Executor to
this my last will and testament.
to take charge of all my good and chattles Lands & Tenements not named above
in this will and to Execute all titles to all my Estates without security on his
part as I place all confidence in his faithful discharge of Duty in testimony
wherof I have hereunto set my hand and seal
Nathan Williams (Seal)
signed sealed and delivered in the
presence of this the 25th day of Febry. 1859.
Witness James D. Duke, C. B. Swift.