Know all men by these presents that I Isaac Williams of the County of Carroll
and State of Tennessee now porly as to health but in sound mind make this my
last will and Testament.
1st. I will my soul unto God and my body to the tomb.
2nd. I want all my just debts paid out of my Estate and then I give and
bequeath unto my beloved wife Catharine all of the house hold and kitchen
furniture together with all my the tools horses cattle and hogs and so forth
that is on the farm together with the farm or profits of said farm & houses
during her natural life or widowhood and or untill my daughter Mary Elizabeth
becomes of lawful age or should marry then I give and bequeath unto her an equal
right to one half of the farm or profits thereof during my wife Catharine's
lifetime or widowhood then at the death or marriage of my wife Catharine to any
other man my request is that my beloved Daughter Mary Elizabeth is have all the
above named property and the above named farm or tract of Land which consists
one hundred and nineteen Acres of land and Dwelling houses and all the
impertinances thereto belonging which I now live on to have and to hold forever
to her and her heirs.
I have already given to my three Eldest sons Joseph A. and Paschal and Nathan
their proportional part of my Estate and give and bequeath unto my daughter
Eliza J. who is married one R. D. Woods a certain piece or parcel of Land lying
and being in the county of Carroll and State of Tennessee in the 18th Civil
District beginning at an Elm in William Taylors line then thence east with
Calvin Butler line to Indian Creek thence down said Creek to the mouth of Bushy
Branch thence up said branch to the beginning Supposed to be forty five Acres
more or less to have and to hold during natural life then to go to and be
equally divided between of her children as her equal part of my Estate together
with what I have already given her then I give and bequeath unto my son Birrel
I. a certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in the County of Carroll
State of Tennessee & in the 18th Civil District on the east side of Indian
Creek beginning at the mouth of a Little branch thence up said branch 3 poles to
a Maple thence nearly South to a white oak in Wm. Butlers line thence east with
said Butlers line to the Road thence with the road northward to James Bobetts
line thence westward with his line to a black oak with pointers then north 52
poles to a blk oak with prs on Thomas Butlers line thence west 105 poles to a
Maple with pointers standing on the east bank of Indian Creek thence south with
the meanderings of said creek to the beginning supposed to be fifty five Acres
to be the same more or less to have and to hold forever to him & his heirs
& representatives to make his equal share together with what I have already
given him. And I hereby nominate and appoint my son Joseph A. Williams my
sole Executer to carry out this my will and testament hereby making all other
wills void by me formerly made this the 9th day of July 1858.
Isaac Williams (Seal)
Signed and acknowledged in presence of
B. H. Nesbitt John A. Montgomery
State of Tennessee )
Carroll County ( September Term
Carroll County Court 1858.
At the above term of the County Court of said county was duly proven in open court the said will of Isaac Williams Decd. and ordered to be duly recorded of which the foregoing is a Copy Test.
W. H. Graves Clerk