I Barrell B. Wilder of the County of Carroll State of Tennessee being of sound & disposing mind and memory But in feble health and calling to mind my mortality and being desirous to direct how my Earthly Substance with which it has pleased God to bless me shall be disposed of after my decease do make publish and declare this my last will & Testament hereby revoking and making null & void all former wills & Testaments & all other writings purporting to be the last wills and Testaments by me written made or published heretofore.
My will is first that my Funeral expences & Just debts shall be paid by
my Executor herin after mentioned The residue of my estate and property which
shall not be required for the payment of my Just debts funeral charges expences
attending the execution of this my last will. I give devise & dispose
of as follows (to wit) I give devise will & bequeath to my beloved
wife Margaret for divers good reasons to me appearing all the property of all
kinds of which I die seized or possessed of or have a legal title to or that is
Justly coming or due to me whether it consist of money debts lands or negroes or
property of any kinde or nature for & during her natural life to use at her
pleasure or as she may think best for herself and I also give her power and
authority to dispose of the ballance that may remain at her death (If any there
be) as she may think best to devise said ballance Equally or in sutch
manner as she may see fit among her children. I also nominate and appoint
my trusty & faithful friend Samuel Smith Executor of this my last will and
Testament and wish him to continue as counsel or aide for my wife in traiding
& in conducting her affairs or so long as they Both live and as a
compensation for such services as aid or counsel for her to pay him any
reasonable amount that they may agree upon in testimony whereoff and in hopes
that this my last Will & Testament may be faithfully caried out &
I hereunto sign or cause my name to be asigned & seal affixed this the Tenth
day of August one thousand Eight hundred & fifty two.
Barrell B. Walder (Seal)
John Mc Donald
Mosses Cox
October 7 1857 ) Octobert 7th 1857 County Court at the above term of the County court said will was probated and ordered to be recorded the foregoing being a copy Test
W. H. Graves Clk.