Thomas C. Shepherd's Will

State of Tennessee)
Carroll County)

I Thomas C. Shepherd of the County and State aforesaid being sound in mind and memory at the same time tiakin into consideration the shortness of human life and the certainty of death and being desirous in my lifetime of disposing of the worldly goods it has please God to bless me with do make and publish this my last will and testament in the meantime revoking all former wills and codicils by me at any time heretofore made.

Item 1st It is my desire that my Executrix hereafter to be named do pay off all my Just debts out of any money that may first come into their hands in case I should die before I can do the same myself. Item 2nd. I will to my beloved daughter Cary Ann Taylor my negro girl named Liza to her & the heirs of her body. Item 3rd. I will to my daughter Sarah Mc Lains children (viz) Rufus James Hacket and panthea E one Dollar each.

Item 4th. I will to my daughter Latitia B the plantation on which I now live containing about two hundred acres also three of my negroes to wit Dave Sam and Caroline and their increase to her own separate use. She Latitia B is to have the right of disposing of the above land & negroes &c she may see fit and proper and if Latitia should die leaving no children in that case Jennetta Hawley is to have her (Latitias) property and if Jeannetta should die leaving no heirs then in that case I will that it be divided equally between the children of Cary Ann Taylor and Sarah Mc Clain.

Item 5th I will to my daughter Jennetta Hawley four of my negroes (viz) Louisa and three of her children to wit) Nephus Isaac & Lucius and their increase She Jennetta is to have said negroes to her own separate use also to have the right of disposing of said negroes in any way she may see fit and proper & if Jennetta should die leaving no heirs in that case I will that the children of Latitia should heir the negroes above named and their increase. Item 6th I will that Latitia B. Cole have all my stock of horses Cattle and hogs also all my household and kitchen furniture. I herby nominate and appoint my daughter Latitia B. Cole my executrix and it is my will and desire that she carry out my will as I have directed and I further desire that my daughter above appointed as my executrix execute this my last will without givin security.

I testimony of the above will and Testament I hereunto set my hand and seal this 16th day of February A. D. 1853

Thos C. Shepherd (Seal)

John Park
John L. Weaks

State of Tennessee)
Carroll County) August Term 1853 - Monday 1st.

This day a paper writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Thomas C. Shepherd was produced in open court and was duly proven by the oaths of John Park and John L. Weaks subscribing witnesses thereto for probate and ordered to be recorded.

W. H. Graves Clerk