State of Tennessee)
Carroll County)
This my last will and Testiment
I Albert Townsend do will and bequeath to my wife the portion of land which she did own for a home I will and bequeath to my youngest son Albert Matt, Son Townsend 100 achres of land here on my home place at the end of my life and I want the remainder of my land to be equally divided between the three boys John W. Townsend J. R. Townsend W. F. M. Townsend and rest of my property to be divided between M. M. Abigial Townsend Elmira Townsend and Mandy Townsend got her part when she left me
Albert Townsend (Seal)
This March 2nd 1863
Joseph H. Garrett)
William Walker)
M. Pinkston proves hand writing of A. Townsend.
State of Tennessee)
Carroll County) July Term 1865
At the above term of said court the foregoing was probated as the last will and testament of Albert Townsend Decd which was duly probated and ordered to be recorded Of which the foregoing is a copy Test.
W. H. Graves County Clerk