In the name of God Amen.
I Luke Thomas of the County of Carroll and State of Tennessee considering the
uncertainty of this mortal life and being of Sound mind and memory blessed be
almighty God for the same do make & publish this my last will and testament
in manner & form following that is to say
first it is my will and desire that my wife Elizabeth Thomas have the following
described tract of land during her natural life (Viz) beginning at Garland Reed
S. W. corner runs 2 poles north thence west to E. Gwinns East boundary line
thence South with the same to Luke Jur & Rufus Thomas north Boundary thence
East to the Paris and Mc Lemoresville Road thence north with said Road 76 poles
thence north with said line to Garland Reeds S. boundary line thence west with
said line to the beginning I also give and bequeath to my wife Elizabeth during
her life time the following named negroes (Viz) my woman Sharlott my woman Susan
my boy Lewis My boy Polk & my my boy boyd.
It is further my desire that my wife have all the house hold and kitchen
furniture & a sufficient number of stock and farming tools to carry on the
farming business during her life time At the death of my wife it is my
will and desire that my son M. L. Thomas have the Tract of Land above discribed
and the negroes Sharlott & Susan and that he take care of and support my old
negro man Sam I further wish M. L. Thomas at the death of his Ma to have
two beds bedsteads & furniture three head of horses three cows and calves
and a reasonable portion of hogs sheep & farming tools.
It is my will and desire and I hereby bequeath unto my son J. B. Thomas my negro
boy Green and to my son C. P. Thomas I give my negro boy Isham & to my son
E. Thomas I give my girl Rosanna at the death of my wife it is my will and
desire that the above named J. B. Thomas C. P. Thomas E. Thomas & H. B.
Thomas have the two boys Lewis & Boyd to be Equally divided between them to
my son E. Thomas I give in trust for the use and benefit of my daughter Peachy
Ann Stroud the tract of Land Whereon G. J. Stroud now lives for the sole benefit
of the said Peachy Ann & the heirs of her body
It is further my will and desire that the balance of my land not before disposed
of be sold by my Executors either publickly or privately as they may think best
on a cred of one & two years and further at the death of my wife it is my
will that my boy polk be valued by disinterested persons on a credit of twelve
months and that one of my five sons as it may suit them take said boy at said
valuation that he be kept in the family and I further will and order that the
proceeds of said Land and negro be placed in the hands of my son E. Thomas in
trust to be disposed of for the benefit of the following persons Equally (Viz)
Emeline Traywick Mary Ann Mc Adoo Caroline S. Mc Adoo Elizabeth F. Wright &
Alabama Danfourth I hereby direct my said trustee if he should think it
best to lay out said money for land or other property should it suit the
parties It is distinctly to be understood that the foregoing funds placed
in the hands of said trustee is only to be used for the use and benefit of my
daughter before named and the heirs of their bodies and should any of them die
without issue it is my will in that event that said funds be equally divided
among all my children I have twenty shares in the Memphis & Ohio Rail
Road twenty five Dollars being a share and one share in the Nashville and north
western Rail Road a share being one hundred dollars which together any notes I
may have at the time of my death I hereby direct my Executors to manage as best
they can and to act as they would do for themselve in similar cases and the
proceds arising therefrom is to be Equally divided among all my children.
The residue of my estate of whatsoever it may consist I hereby direct that it be
sold to the best advantage and that out of the proceeds my grand children James
C. Noell Elizabeth F. Noell & Mary E. Noel have one hundred Dollars each the
balance if any equally divided among all my children.
Lastly I hereby appoint my sons J. B. Thomas C. P. Thomas & E. Thomas
Executors of this my last will and testament not requiring them to give bond and
authorizing them to settle my Estate without going to court.
I hereby revoke all former wills by me made in witness whereof I have hereunto
set my hand & seal this - day of June 1861
Luke Thomas Sen
Signed sealed publshed and declared by the above named Luke Thomas to be his last will and testament in presence of us
Attest H. N. Swayne
John M. Currin
F. H. Henderson.
State of Tennessee )
Carroll County ( January Term 1863
At the above term of said court said will was duly proven by the testimony of H. N. Swayne & F. H. Henderson and ordered to be recorded of which the foregoing is a copy test.
W. H. Graves Clerk