In the name of God Amen I William Suitor Junier of the County of Carroll and State of Tennessee being weak in body but of sound and perfect mind and memmory blessed be Almighty God for the same do make and publish this my last Will and Testament (to wit I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Elizabeth Sooter on Third part of the Tract of land whereon I now live during her life or widdowhood which said third shall include the farm dwelling [document is cut off for part of sentence] arising form said farm shall be under the controule and for the bennefit of my said wife Elizabeth Sooter and the Three Youngest children as long as she may continue to live in widdowhood and in case my wife should see cause to leave the farm I hereby direct that said farm be rented out to the best advantage giving my son Berry the prefference from Year to Year in succession untill my Son Ely be of age and the bennefit of said rent shall be for the said Three Youngest children (To wit) Edward Sally & Ely. I further give and bequeath to my wife one third of all the live Stock that I possess provided she continue to live on said farm and keep the above named Three Youngest children with her provided also that she lives in widdowhood. I also give her on bed and furniture and on third of the kitchen furniture also one plough hoe and ax and pair of Geer. To my Daughter Sally and Niece I give and bequeath to each of them One bed and furniture, One cow and calf and to each of them one horse beast. I further will and order that if my son Berry continues to live with and do for the family untill he be twenty one years of age that he have two cows and sows and piggs but in case he should not continue to live with the family he is only to share equal with the others. To my two Sons Edward and Ely I give and bequeath to each of them one horse beast to the value of from seventy five to eighty five dollars when they shall arrive at the age of twenty one years. It is further my will that there be a bed & furniture left with the family for the use of the Three Youngest children, so long as the family live together and at the time of the seperation of the family or when the youngest become o age as the case may be the said bed and furniture shall be equall among my children. I further wish that my son William have the care of the bed and furniture which I gave to my daughter Sally and that he return it to her when she arrive at the age of eighteen years as good as when he gets it or in case she should marry before she becomes of age the bed and furniture then to be returned. I further will and order that the other two thirds of my stock the two thirds of my Kitchen furniture and all the other loose plunder not before mentioned be sold on a credit of eighteen months at public Tendue to the highest bidder and the money arising from such sale be equally divided amongst my children, (to wit) Permely Leonard William Berry Nicey Edward Sally and Ely Further I will and order that the other two thirds of my land not disposed of before the lased to some one of the Legatees for the Term of six years for the clearing of fifteen acres of Ground and making of Suitable buildings and that the proffits of said lease after the expiration of said Term be equally divided among the Eight Legatees and the the decease or intermarriage of my wife my children divide the whole of the land among them if they can do it to their satisfaction if not the land to be sold & the money to be divided equally It is my further will and desire that my two Negroes Violet and Hardy divide their time equally among the Legatees untill the legatees find it convenient to make an Equal division of them and their increase among themselves and in case my wife should be affected or in distress so as to stand in need of assistance while living in widdowhood she is to have Violet to assist her and the said negroes are hereby declared to be the property of my children and of the heirs of their bodys. I further will and bequeath all my right title and claime to my children not to dispossess my wife of any of her wright or any of the above property - Elizabeth Sooter. Further I hereby appoint my Son Leonard Sooter and Thomas Hamilton Executors of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all others by me made. In witness whereof I hereunto set my hand and affix my seal this 25th day of November, 1824. Signed Sealed and Delivered in presence of

Wm. T. Butler
Thomas Finly

William Sooter (Seal)
his mark

In addition to the above mentioned it is my will that the Vandem of the before mentioned property be under the directions of the before mentioned Executors namely Thomas Hamilton and Leonard Sooter

State of Tennessee )
Carroll County Court ) March Session 1825

The execution of the above will was duly proven in open court by the oaths Wm. L. Butler and Thos. Finly two of the subscribing witnesses

A copy Test
Edwd. Gwin Clk