In the name of god Amen.
Knowing that it is appointed for man once to die and being unwell in body thoug sound in mind and memory do make and appoint this my last will and Testament in the first place that my body shall be decently buried and that all my just debts be paid.
Secondly.  I give unto my daughters Susan & Alfred Harris one hundred Acres of Land a part of the tract of land whereon I now live adjoining the land of said Harris known as the John Butler Tract.
Thirdly I give unto my daughter Mary Keeland Ninety four acres of Land lying on Maple Creek which land I bought of John Eubanks and my will is that the balance of land after my death shall be sold and in consideration of one hundred Acres of land which I give to Robert Eubanks and my daughter Sarah I think that my grand children Henry Eubanks John Spencer Sarah Jane Mahalee Eubanks have received through their father  Enough to make them equal so far as I have given my children & my debts I want collected my negroes and all of my property sold and divided between my children and grand children agreeable to heirship that is to say that my five grand children above named shall receive the same that one of my children receives And I further more make and appoint my sonin law Alfred Harris my lawful Executor to this my last will and Testament this November 5th 1856.

Nease Spencer
X his mark

Test    Rowland Gooch
            William Jones.

State of Tennessee  )
Carroll County Court  (    December Term 1856

At said term of the County Court for the County & State aforesaid was was ad admitted to probate in open court the foregoing paper writing purporting to be the last will and Testament of Nease Spencer Decd and ordered to be recorded of which the foregoing is a copy test.

W. H. Graves Clerk