In the name of god Amen. I William Shipherd Sr. of the State of Tennessee and County of Carroll being weak in boddy but of sound mind and memory do make and publish this my last will and testament in the manner and form following revoking all former will. first I allow all my Just debts to be paid. I give and bequeath to well beloving wife Elizabeth Shipherd the Tract of Land that I now live on supposed to be about one hundred and seventy acres with all the advantages appertaining thereto and at my wifes death I allow the above discribed tract of land to belong to my Son Robert B. Shepherd as it respects my personal property it is my wish that a portion of that be set apart for my wife such things as will be thought nessary for her to have which shall be done be two disenterested men of the neighbourhood the balance of all my property I want sold on a credit of twelve months and the proceeds equally devided among my children and the property that my wife may have at her death I allow to be Esqually devided among all my children and it is my wish that all my legatees will be satisfyed with the distrebution that I have made of my property, which will attended to by my Son John G. Shipherd whome I appoint as my Executor to transact the business of this will Signed in presents of the Subscribing witness this 19th of April 1848.
L. S. Woods, E. S. Edwards.
William Shepherd (Seal)
State of Tennessee )
Carroll County ( January Term 1849.
This day the last will and Testament of William Shephard decd. was produced into open court and duly proven by the oathes of Levi S. Woods & E. S. Edwards the two witness thereto and ordered by the court to be recorded.
Y. W. Allen Clerk.