In the name of God Amen
I Roela Rose being of sound mind and good memory but know that it is the lot of all men to die I now make this my last will and testamony
1st    After my decease I desire that all my Just debts be paid out of any moneys coming into the hands of my Executor hereinafter named.
2nd    My desire and will is and I give to my worth friend Martha Ann Ramsey one horse bridle and saddle worth one hundred and twenty five Dollars to be valued by A. Barksdale & R. M. Hurt also I give and bequeath to same Martha Ann Ramsey one good feather bed bed stead and furniture and one hundred Dollars in money I constitute and appoint my worthy friend A. Barksdale Executor to this my last will and Testament this the 28th day of November in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty six.

Roela Rose (Seal)

Johnathan Rose  )
S. W. Allen         )

State of Tennessee  )
Carroll County       (  January Term 1857

At the above was produced in open court a paper writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Roela Rose & the same duly proven by the testamony of Johnathan Rose & S. W. Allen subscribing witness thereto which was admitted to probate and ordered to be recorded of which the foregoing is a copy test.

W. H. Graves Clerk