Robert Groom Will

I Robert Groom being feeble in body but of strong mind and disposing memory do make this my last will and Testament.

I consign my spirit to the God that gave it and my body to my friends to be (p. 239) buried in a decen and christian like manner.

1rst. I give and bequeath to my wife Elizabeth all the crop on hand at my death also one negro man by the name of Sam together with as much of the stock & house hold and kitchen furniture and farming utensils as she may think proper and necessary with the home plantation on which I now live during her life time or widowhood If however she should marry she shall have property to the amount of one hundred & fifty dollars worth forever and the balance of the perishable property together with sam is to be sold and Thomas is to have one hundred and fifty dollars worth and Frances Demonela is to have one hundred and fifty dollars and Robert Isaac is to have one hundred and fifty dollars and Nancy is to have one hundred and fifty dollars and the balance is to be equally divided among all my children.

Secondly I give and bequeath unto my two sons James W and William H. Two tracts of land containing Two hundred and Eighty Six Acres provided however that James W. and William H. pay three hundred dollars to my estate to be due the twenty fifth of December on Thousand eight hundred and fifty one. Thirdly I give and bequeath to my two sons Thomas & Robert I my home tract after the death of my wife or if she should marry her dower shall cese then this tract of three hundred Akers is to be equally divided between Thomas & Robert Isaac so as for Robert I to have the houses provided however that Thomas & Robert Isaac pay to my estate three hundred Dollars to be due in twelve months after they get in actual possession of the same.

Lastly after my estate shall be finally wound up I want all of my Four Daughters to have one hundred and fifty dollars each & the balance if there be any equally between my Eight children. I appoint my wife Elizabeth and Isaac Pinson my Executors to this my last will and Testament.

Robert Groom (Seal)
his mark

In presence of
Daniel Shofner - Isaac Pinson.

A codicil to the last will and testament of Robert Groom made and exhibited the 13th day of september 1851 to wit whereas Robert Groom have since the execution of my last will and testament bought a negro girl by the name of Amia and my will is that my wife Elizabeth is to have Amia for her use and benefit during her natural life or widowhood and afterwards to be disposed of as sam & the balance of property mentioned in the first clause of my will and equally divided among my children signed this 21st day of May 1855.

Robert Groom (Seal)
his mark

Daniel Shofner

State of Tennessee)
Carroll County) August Term 1855

was produced in open court the will of Robert Groom Decd & duly proven by the testimony of Daniel Shofner & Isaac Pinson & the orderer to be duly recorded of which the foregoing is a true & perfect copy of this Aug 8th 1855.

W. H. Graves Clerk.