A written will and testament
I Malinda Read do make and publish this as my last will & testament hereby revoking and making void all other wills by me at any time made.
First I direct that my funeral expences and all my debts be paid as soon after my death as possible out of money that I may die possessed of or may first come into the hands of my Executors
Secondly I give and bequeath to my daughter Susan Brachum the sum of one dollar
Thirdly I give and bequeath to my son Robert I. Read the sum of one dollar
Fourthly I give and bequeath to my grand children of Sarah Enoch Decd the sum of one dollar
Fifthly I give and bequeath to my son Sml. J. Read the sum of one dollar
Sixthly I give and bequeath to my Amanda Laslie the sum of one dollar
Seventhly I give and bequeath to my son Allen S. Read the sum of one dollar.
Eighthly I give and bequeath to my daughter Cordelia A. King the sum of one dollar
Ninthly I give and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth Enoch frmely Elizabeth Read all of my household and kitchen furniture Table ware &c one sorrel mare all my cattle Hogs & Sheep all of my presant crop of cotton corn and wheat &c The Executor reserving enough of said property to pay all my indebtedness
Lastly I do hereby nominate and appoint Albert G. Hill my Executor in witness whereof I do to this my will set my hand and seal This the 17th day of November 1865
Malinda Read (L. S.)
X her mark
Signed sealed and published in our presence and we have subscribed our names hereto in the presence of the testator
A. C. Tucker
Thomas Jamison.