Mearitt Randal's Will

I Mearitt Randal do make and publish this my last will & Testament hereby revoking and making void all other wills by me at any time made.

First, I direct that my funeral expences & all my debts be paid as soon after my death as possible out of any monies that I may die possessed of or may first come into the hands of my executor. Secondly, I give and bequeath to my Daughter Rebecca Pate the sum of four hundred dollars in case the same to be placed in the hands of some safe Person or Persons, other than her husband and to be paid to her in person, in such sums as she may require it - for raising the said sums of four hundred dollars I desire that my Stock of Horses Mules Hoggs & cattle &c be disposed of & the remainder if any, to be equally divided between my sons Maston & William C. Randal. Thirdly, I give & bequeath to my son Maston C. Randal my slaves Friderick, Moses, Billy & Dolly, the last named (Dolly) being likely to increase, I give and bequeath to my Grandson William Sneed, the first one of her offspring. Fourthly, I give and bequeath to my son William C. Randal my slaves Perry, Sam Phoebe, Harry & Barb, the last named (Barb) being likely to increase, I give and bequeath to my grandson Bernard Gains the first one of her offspring. Fifthly, My two slaves Claboun and his wife Patience having served me long and faithfully & being now old & not likely to render much service to any one, it is my desire that they be taken by my sons Maston & William C. Randal & be comfortably supported during their lives. Be it now distincly understood that my wife Nancy is to remain peceably & quietly in possession of all the above named during her lifetime or widdowhood. Lastly I do hereby nominate and appoint Nancy Randal and Maston C. Randal my Executors. In witness whereof to this my will and set my hand & seal this thirteenth day of December Eighteen hundred & thirty Siven.

Mearit Randle (Seal)

Signed sealed & published in our presence & we have subscribed our names hereto in the presence of the Testator, this day and date above written.

Leon S. J. Mc Neill
F. W. Mc Neill

State of Tennessee)
Carroll County Court) June Term 1839

This day the last will and Testament of Mearit Randal was produced in open court and the execution thereof was duly proven by the oaths of Leon J Mc Neill & F. W. Mc Neill as being the last will and Test of the said mearit Randel whereupon Nancy Randal & Maston C Randel the Executors and Executrix named in said will came into open court and entered into Bond in the sum of Twenty thousand dollars as executror & Executrix with John Clark H Bledson & James Covington their securities thereto & took the oathes the law directs.

A Copy Test
George Hern Clerk
By J. R. Smith D. C.