The last will and testament of Martha Pinson. I Martha Pinson
of the County of Carroll and State of Tennessee Being low in
health but of good mind have made this my Last will and testament
as follows (Viz)
I give and bequeath my Soul to Almighty God and my body to the
Tomb 2nd. I desire that out of my personal estate that all my
just debts be paid 3rd I give of my own good will & bequath
to all my Children Namely Salina F. Lipe Martha Ann Pinson Thomas
C. Pinson Caroline Pinson All my personal and Real Estate to be
equely devided amonts them to have & to hold their heirs
& assigns forever this March 31th 1851 Signed and Seald in
our presents ont eh 31st of March 1851
Martha Pinson
X her mark
W. L . Pinson, William Collier
John A. Pinson