In the name of God Amen I James Pinkston Senr being of sound mind but weak of body do make this my last will and Testament. My will and desire is all that my just debt be first paid by my Executor and my desire is after all my Just debts is paid: Itom) that my wife Lydia Pinkston is to have all and every part of my property as long as she lives or remains a widow and after her death or marriage my will is that all my property to be equally devided among my children. Itom 2nd my will is that my Executor sell as much of the perishable property as she pleases and to keep enough to carry on the farm &c. Itom 3rd I appoint my wife Executrix to this my last will and Testament. In testomony whare of I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal this 17th day March A. D. 1845.

James Pinkston
X his mark

Test: John Norwood
Test: William Norwood

State of Tennessee)
Carroll County ( June Term 1845

This day the last will and Testament of James Pinkston Decd was produced into open court and the due Execution duly proven by the oathes of John Norwood & William Norwood the Two Subscribing witness thereto and ordered to be recorded.

A Copy Test
Y W Allen Clk.