I William Page do make and publish this my last will and Testament hereby
revoking and making void all other wills by me at any time made.
I direct that my funeral expences and all my debts be paid as soon after my
death as possible out of any moneys that I may die possessed of or may first
come into the hands of my Executor.
Secondly I give and bequeath to my wife Lucy Page all my real and person
estate during her natural life and after the death of my wife Lucy Page I
further will and bequeath said estate both personal and real to Sarah Jane
Bridges and her three children W. F. P. Bridges and J. H. Bridges & Lucy
Jane Bridges.
Last I do hereby nominate and appoint Albert G. Hill my executor in witness
whereof I do to this my will set my hand and seal this August
the 1859.
William Page
Hugh Leslie
B. S. Enloe
J. W. Critten
R. R. Read
State of Tennessee )
Carroll County ( September Term 1859
W. H. Graves Clerk.