Benjamin Nichol's Will

In the name of God Amen.  I Benjamin Nichol of the County of Carroll and State of Tennessee in perfect sound mind an memory caling to mind the mortaltity of my flesh and knowing that it is appointed for all men to die, do make and ordain this my last will and Testoment (Vis).
First I give and recommend my Sole to Allmight God give it nothing doubing but though the power of God I shall receive it again in the Genral resurection of the dead and my Body to Earth to be berried in Christon order at the discrision of my Executrix and as to this worlds Welth that God in his goodness hath blesed me with I will in the form following (viz)
First of all as soon as posseable after my death that all my jsut debts and furnel expences should be paid out of any moneys I may die Ceazed of or that should come into the hands of my Executiorex out of any of my Estate either rale or parseanl.  2nd.  I will and bequath unto my beloved son John W. Nichol all the property both real an persenal that at any time I have given him also all the property I have given my beloved son David Nichol either reail or personal at any time.  I give and bequith the same to him.  Also any and all property that I have given to my beloved son Thomas Nichol either reall or personal.  I give and bequath to him also any property that I hve give my beloved son Alvey Nichol at any time either reail or personal I give and bequath to him also I give and bequath to him one Feather bed and one Sheat Cove led and pillers.  3rd. I tuan as to all the the rest of my property say Stock of horses cowes hogs and sheep house hold furniture and Kitchen furniture and one Nigro woman by the name of Rose about thirty five or forty years of age with land and tenements farm and farming touels of Ever thing the land being the plase whare I now live in the County of Carroll containng one hundred and Twelve Acres be the Same more or less I give and bequth to my loved wife Polly Nichol for the purpous of raising and Edecating my three younges Sons (Vis) William F. Nichol James F Nichol and Benjaming H Nichol, during her natural life or widows hood and at her dwath or Marage to be eqully devided beteen the three last named boys (Viz) William Ellet Franklin Nichol James Fletcher Nichols and Benjaming Houston Nichol and further more I do appoint my beloved wife & Thomas Banks Executrext to this my last will and Testoment to carry the Same in to Effect intestomony whare of I have her unto set my hand and affixed my seal this 20th of July 1835.

Benjamin Nichol (Seal)
Test: W. P. Sayle
J. B. Blair Jr May court
N. Mattock Jr April court

State of Tennessee)
Carroll County)        April Term of Carroll County Court 1843.

This day the last will and testoment of Benjamin Nichol, Decd.  was produced into open Court and the Execution duly proven by the oathes of Nichols Matlock one of the subscribing witness thereto and ordered to be recorded.

A Copy Test
Y. W. Allen Clk