Moses Green Will dated 1 Mar-Jun 1852

Carroll Co., TN Will book A, pages 192-194

I Moses Green of the State of Tennessee Carroll County being in perfect mind & memory but of feeble health Calling to mind that is appointed for all men once to [die] and that men are better to dispose of their property when in health than on a sick bed do make and ordain this as my last will and testament revoking all other wills and Legacies hertofore by me

1st I will unto my Daughter Margaret E and Mother M Green five dollars they being heretofore provided for.

2nd I will and bequeath unto Milton Brawley for the use and benefit of my Daughter Mary Brawley and issue of her body all the Negro property which I have a legal rite to now in his possession in Arkansas.

3rd I will & bequeath unto my son John John O Green the Negro property he has in his possession and one hundred acres of land including his Spring & improvements.

4th I will and bequeath to Milton Brawley of Arkansas my girl julia for the use and benefit of my grand Daughter Sally Gaynes Moffett now Sally Gaynes [Walter] and the heirs of her boddy if she dies leaving any if not to be equally devided among her Brothers and sisters as well of the half as the whoe Blood.

5th I will and bequeath unto Eliot Miller one hundred Dollars for the use and benefit of his son Moses G Miller to be paid to him by said E Miller when he arrives at the age of twenty one with interest at six percent per Annum from the time he receives it from my Executor which shall be after the Expiration of two years after my death.

6th I will and bequeath unto E G Everett one Hundred Dollars for the use and benifit of his son Moses G Everett to be paid to him by E G Everett when he arrives at the age of twenty one with interest at six percent per Annum from the time he receives it from my Executors which shall be after two years after my death or sooner if convenient for them to pay it over

7th & Lastly it is my will and desire that my Negro woman Peggy and her son Isham be sold to E G Everett at a reasonalbe price or some one of her won Choice having a particular respect for her for her attention paid to her old mistress in her last illness which severall can bear testimony to who were eye witnesses to the fact my faithful servant Lewis I wish to have all my wearing apparel & him also to have the privalege of Choosing his master and not be sold two far from his family for no consideration whatever my woman Catharine also have the privalige of choosing her master her children & her kept together Even at small sacrifice. it also my will that the land I possess at my Death be sold by my Executors without having any order of court as they may seem to think to the best advantages and make and make little purchases in as simple a manner as I could were I present partition my slaves sell and make conveyances of bills of sales [???] & in all cases when I have given title [bond] to convey Land to convey the same [acceptable] to the condition of said bonds and I hereby nominate and appoint my Trusty friend John McDonald Executor to this my Las will and testament without having to give security [???] and after paying the [?] Legatees and paying all my just Debts Divide the Ballance the heirs and Issue of the boddy of Mary Brawley and herself Equally in testimony whereof I hereunto in my hand and seal this 1st day of March 1852.

Moses Green (seal)


Att A [Mason]

W B Everett

I Moses Green of the state of Tennessee & County of Carroll who has made & published the within as my las will and Testament being still now thanks to my God for his mercies in my sound mind and proper senses now makes and publish as this as a codicil to my las will and Testament and wishes the same to be taken as a part of the same I will and [???] that my Executor shall be Invested with such powers in setting my Business as well authorize him in such cases as when he cannot collect the whole on any part of my outstanding debts in cash to receive any [Land] of property on or in payment of the same and Directs and Empowers him to have the privalege of using his own direction on all such cases without incurring any Responsibilities further that what he can get for the propertys so received by him provide this privalige and power only extends to cases where the money cannot be made out of the effects of the debtor by a process at Law In testimony whoseof I have herein to signed my name and affixed my seal this 19th day of June 1852

Moses Green (his seal)