I William Mc Clure of Carroll County and State of Tennessee being firm in
mind but infirm in body but of sound mind I now do make and ordain this my last
will and Testament I assign my body to be buried in common form as my friends
may think proper with good articles and to recommend my soul to the mercy of our
Glorious Redeemer and as to the worldly goods that he has favored be with I
dispose of them as follows to wit to my beloved wife Sally to have the
plantation that we now live upon she is to have the use of all on the west side
of the Creek of the same farm the hollow below the bank to have the use of it to
support her her life time then to belong to William N. and Doctor H. I
give my wife Sally two cows and Calves and one horse & two sows and pigs
with all her household furniture she will want. I give to my wife Sally
one girl named Liza and Dick a negro boy to help support her during her life
time. I give to my beloved son Joseph Mc Clure one horse and saddle worth
seventy Dollars and I give Jas. Thirty five Dollars the horse and saddle
he has received.
I give to my beloved son James Mc Clure deceased one nag and saddle worth fifty
Dollars I give to his son William Miles thirty five Dollars horse and saddle
I give to his wife and her heirs fifty Dollars.
I do give to John Delany Deceased and Armont Delany one horse and saddle worth
&75.00 two cows and calves worth $20.00 to which they have received.
I do give to my beloved son John H. McClure one horse and saddle worth $75. and
one cow & calf worth $10.00 to which he has received.
I do give to Thomas and Jane Patton one horse and saddle worth $50.00 two cows
worth $20.00 to which they have received.
I do give to my son Robert Mc Clure one horse and saddle worth $75.00 one cow
worth $10.00 to which he has received.
I do hire to my son William N. Mc Clure one saddle and horse worth $75.00 and
350 Acres of Land part lying in the botton and part on the hills to be divided
D. H. Mc Clure and William N. to which is on record and they have a Deed for the
same to be worth $5.00 per acre done received.
I do give to James Justice Decd and my daughter Sarah Justice now is Sarah Capps
one horse and saddle worth $75.00 and cow and calf $20.00 Done received.
I do give my A. Win and Carolnie Win Deceased one horse and saddle worth $50.00
and one cow worth $20.00 done received.
I do give to Irwin Herlston patsy Herlston one horse and saddle worth $50.00 cow
and calf worth $10.00 done received and one little negro named Winney one old
negro about 40 years old worth $300.00 Dollars.
This being my last will and testament that I do give and bequeath all the rest
of my property to all my heirs all my children that is living in the State of
Tennessee at this time to be equally divided between them all.
I do give to my son Edward G. $50.00 that live in the State of Illinois.
I do give to my son Joseph M. $50.00 that lives in Illinois.
I do give to my son James M. Mc Clure deceased widow I do give fifty Dollars.
I do give to Thomas and Jane Patton Deceased their son James Patton $25.00 also
James and Sarah Justice their son Bennett Justice the sum of $25.00.
I give to Jane Justice $25.00.
I give to Ellick Win and Caroline Win Deceased to their children Sarah L. Win
Seventy five Dollars And Martha and Edward $75.00 do a plas when becomes of age.
This money to come out of my estate that I have will be to my heirs to be paid
out by my agent John Mc Clure.
After my wife Sarah's death John Mc Clure is to have a negro Girl named Liza by
paying to the Estate $500.00.
Robert N. Mc Clure is to have a negro boy named Dick by paying to the
Estate $300.00.
Amont Delaney is to have a negro woman Noquell ann Allen untill her death then
her son William is to have Allen after 3 years service Quell is to be free by
Amity Delany going her security for her freedom.
The Judgement that I had to pay for James Capps that was sold to Dell I wish it
to come out of her estate that is to come out of my Estate the Judgement is
about $75.00 Intest.
I appoint son John Mc Clure my agent to attend to attend to all my business
settle up and pay out to all my living heirs as my will directs.
My son John is to make all deeds or bills of sales for negroes or land that he
may sell privat or publick take all notes in his name and to take all my old
papers in possession and to transact all business as I was present.
I do appoint Robert N. Mc Clure and John L. Mathena assistant agents my agents
is to have $1.50 per day their services
I give to my beloved son E. G. Mc Clure one horse and saddle worth seventy
Dollars he has received.
I gave E. G. those fifty Dollars and his son William Thomas thirty five Dollars.
William Mc Clure (Seal)
Test James M. Lewis
Irvin Curlee
State of Tennessee )
Carroll County ( May Term 1857
At the above term of said court was produced in open court a paper writing purporting to be the last will and Testament of William McClure Decased and offered for probate and the same was duly proven by the subscribing witness and ordered to be recorded of which the forgoing is a Copy test.
W. H. Graves Clerk