John Massey's Will

I John Massey of the County of Carroll and State of Tennessee do make ordain publish and deliver this my last will & testament revoking all other wills by me hertofore made.

First I bequeath my body to the dust from whence it came & my soul to God who gave.

Secondly I direct that all my debts be paid as soon after my death as possible out of any monies that I may die possessed of or may first come into the hands of my Executor.

Thirdly I bequeath to my son Thomas Massey Eighty Seven Acres and a half of land being a part of the tract of land on which I now live begining on the east boundary and run west for compliment and after my death if he will pay to my Executors hereafter named four hundred dollars he is to have all the balance of said tract but if he fails to pay to my Executors the four hundred dollars he is not to have it but my Executor is to sell it for the use of my heirs my son Thomas Massey is to take care of me and my wife as long as we may live and if I should die before my wife he is to take care of her as long as she lives I also give him the use of all my land from now until my death to keep up the fences and have all he can make

Fourthly After the death of me and my wife I want my Executor to sell all my personal property that I may die possessed of on a credit of twelve months and collect all debts due me and divide equally between my heirs hereafter named

I have given to my son Levy twenty five Dollars more than I have given the rest & the rest is to be made up equal with him than all hereafter named is to share alike

To my son Nathan Massey & his children to my grand children the children of my daughter Biddy Hall, to my grand children, the children of my Decd Son Levi Massey To my daughter Mary the wife of John Crews her and her children, To my daughter Martha the wife of James Simmons with this exception I want my grand daughter the wife of Wm. Hurtman to have half of the part that may be going to her mother my daughter Martha

Lastly I do hereby nominate and appoint my trusty friend Isaac Pinson Executor in witness whereof I do this my will set my hand & seal this 28th day of January 1858

John Massey
his mark

Signed sealed and published in our presence and we have subscribed our names hereto in the presence of the Testator this 28th day of January 1858

W. L. Pinson
Isaac Pinson