State of Tennessee  )

Carroll County         (  January 16th 1854


I William Long being of sound mind declare this to be my last will and testament in view of the sertainty of death and uncertainty of life.

Article the first.  My wish is that first of all my just debts be paid.

Article second.  I wish my beloved wife Elizabeth Matilda to have the use of the place I now live on to keep all the stock of every description Except such as is surplus to keep all the black family for the purpose of raising and schooling my children that is now with us so long as my wife Elizabeth Matilda should remain a widow or she should die or till the youngest child should become of age.  Should my wife marry or should she die or when the youngest child becomes of age either case the property is all to be sold to the highest bidder and equally divided among all my beloved children my wife to have a childs part and should she be in the family way and have an heir it also is to have an equal share with the rest of the children except my daughter Caroline Sarah Elizabeth she has received seventy five dollars in a bed and furniture and And part of stable horse all my heirs (to wit) My beloved wife Elizabeth Matilda & child should she have any my daughter Mary Webb son William Henry daughter Alvira Upomy Emely Ugenia Nancy Clarissa my son James and daughter Mildred Jane & Laras Vandalia all is first to have seventy five Dollars to make them equal to Caroline Sarah Elizabeth all the property that goes to my daughters is to go to them and their bodily heirs.  My tract of land near Mc Lemoresville of 272 Acres is to be sold And all the money arising from the sale of said land or sale of stock or in any way belonging to my estate all is to be put out on interest and the interest on so much of it is necessary is to go toward the schooling and raising my family.

Given under my hand and seal the day and date above written in the presence of


James L. Smith

Richard G. Bell


William Long.


State of Tennessee  )

Carroll County         (  March Term 1854


This day a paper writing purporting to be the last will and testament of William Long Decd was produced in open court and duly proven by the testimony of James L. Smith and Richard G. Bell subscribing witness thereto the same was ordered by the court to be duly recorded of which the above is a copy test.


W. H. Graves Clk.